Jeremy Meller

I Would If I Could, But I Can’t So I Won’t

I wish I could be ignorant…

I wish I could be complacent…

I wish I could agree with the “me” of five or six years ago, who felt that  the Israelis could just sit around a conference table with the Palestinians and come to a lasting peace agreement…

I wish I could live life as if nothing was wrong with society as we know it….

If I did these things, I’d likely be happier in this lifetime…


But I can’t because…

If I did, I would be conceding blindness…

Blindness to the world around me…

Blindness to the fact that the Israelis have offered various peace agreements and the Palestinians have rejected every single one of them…

Blindness to the fact that if peace if made with any form of a unity Palestinian government, Israel would be in essence negotiating and making a peace agreement with terrorists who use their own people as human shields to kill Jews, rather than protect them as a government should…

Blindness to the fact that terrorists with a similar mindset to that of Hamas just beheaded an American journalist two weeks ago for the simple fact that they were American…

Blindness to the fact that ISIS, a group with similar terrorist mentalities, have been killing innocent Christians in Iraq in cold blood just because they’re Christian…

Blindness to the fact that the world has protested Israel’s war against the Hamas terror group, in far greater numbers and far more vocally than they have been protesting the terror activity throughout the world today…

Blindness to the fact that ISIS and other terror groups have stated their goal is to infiltrate the US and the western world with Sharia law and turn the world into one large Islamic state abandoning all western values.

Blindness to the fact that while all this is going on, anti-Semitism is higher than it’s been in anytime in recent history in Europe, and the fact that the US is not far behind…

Blindness to the fact that there are people who want me dead twice over…once because I’m Jewish and once because I’m American and live in western society…


 So I won’t (and neither should you)…

I won’t be and have not been ignorant or complacent.  Instead, I am keenly aware of the world around me, and have been working tirelessly to spread that awareness.  I have been more active on social media in the past four weeks than I have been in the prior couple of years combined.  I have had more personal conversations with uneducated people and those with opposing views than ever before.  I’ve attended rallies with more vigor than ever before. (I only attended one in my life prior to Operation Protective Edge.)  Most importantly, I’ve decided that I can no longer afford to keep my political views to myself, as I had before.  I MUST share them with the world, and do my part to wake people up so they are not blind to the world around them and take action.  We all must do this.  If we each work to spread truth and awareness in whatever small way we can be it on social media, through our social networks, rallies, petitions, letters of elected officials, whatever we’re most comfortable with, together we can truly make a difference, make the world a better place and save lives, first and foremost our own.


About the Author
Jeremy is an IT professional from Long Island, NY, who has been active in the Jewish community for the past fifteen years. He spends much of his spare time advocating for Israel through social media and involvement in pro-Israel organizations, such as Fuel for Truth.
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