Bob Avraham Yermus

Introductory Letter (of sorts)

 To my chagrin, it seems that the only way to get what I have to say out there is by way of starting a blog. My attitude towards blogs has generally been negative – over-opinionated, self-important people indulging themselves in what they think are significant additions to the conversation about significant issues. It is likely that this particular blog will be no different. When it comes to the issues of the day, I am not a political science guy, or an international relations guy, or a pundit/talking head/insider.  I am just a regular (occasionally irregular) guy, hearing and reading what information I choose from what is available, and forming an opinion. 

What I mean to do, in the process of expressing an opinion, is prompt thought – even my own,  given that the activity of writing itself is known to do this. Readers who are moved to respond are welcome. Thank you. 

About the Author
Bob Avraham Yermus grew up in Toronto, Canada, and moved to Israel in 1986. He has a B.A. in Early Childhood Education from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly known as Ryerson Polytechnical Institute), and an M.A. in English Literature from Hebrew University.