Christina Lin

ISIS militant discovers his paradise is in the smoking section

An ISIS jihadist recently converted to Christianity after being left for dead near the Eastern border of Syria.

Suffering from multiple gunshot wounds after a clash between ISIS and Syrian Army forces, he was rescued by members of the Saint Dominican Catholic Presbytery of Ayyash, who had wanted to give him a proper Christian burial. Believing he was dead, they carried him over 26 km before he miraculously came back to life.

He told priest Hermann Groschlin of his visions whilst in his afterlife.

Being taught that to die as a martyr would open him the Gates of Jannah, or Gates of Heaven, “as he had started to ascend towards the light of the Heavens, devilish entities, or Jinns he calls them, appeared and led him to the fiery pits of Hell,” recalls the priest.

“There he had to relive all the pain he had inflicted upon others and every death he had caused throughout his entire life. He even had to relive the decapitations of his victims through their own eyes.”

The priest continued that God spoke to the ISIS jihadist and “told him that he had failed miserably as a human soul, that he would be banned from the Gates of Heaven if he chose to die, but that if he chose to live again, he would have another chance to repent of his sins and walk along God’s path once again.”

After the young man came back to life he converted to Christianity and is now living with the Christians who rescued him, hoping his story would convert other ISIS fighters.

Indeed, this testimony runs counter to ISIS narrative, especially one perpetrated by Ahlam al-Nasr who writes propaganda filled with seduction, deception, and glorification of violence and depravity as “the Poetess of the Islamic State.”

The Syrian-born 20-something has emerged as one of ISIS’s most important propagandists glorifying the jihadi message and seducing young minds with poetic praises for ISIS orcs as “lions” whose “fierce struggle” had “brought liberation” to Mosul, the “city of Islam.”

As Robyn Creswell and Bernard Haykel wrote in the New Yorker, jihadi poetry is a key recruitment tool romanticizing martyrdom.

Haykel also wrote in the June Princeton’s Alumni Weekly “these are not just gory beheading clips — they include a cappella chants, poetic odes, and scenes of battles interspersed with images of medieval knights on horses, clashing swords, and violent video-game scenes.”

However, as the ISIS militant rescued by the Christians discovered, there is no glory in institutional rape, murder, genocide, slavery, pedophilia, violence, preying on the weak and the helpless, abusing women and children, blowing up babies as a demo for combat training, robbery, wickedness and every abomination under the sun.

ISIS proclaims that all they do is for their god. But if God is love, it begs the question, which is the god that ISIS worships glorifying death and hate?

If God “is a father of the fatherless, a defender of widows” (Psalm 68:5), then who is the god that ISIS worships exalting ravaging of widows and slaughtering of orphans?

In the Book of Proverbs there is a warning regarding seduction by the likes of “the Poetess of Islamic State.”

“For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey,

and her mouth is smoother than oil;

But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,

Sharp as a two-edged sword.

Her feet go down to death,

Her steps lay hold of hell.” (Proverbs 5: 3-5)

If young men and women are seduced to join ISIS and partake in their jihad, they have been forewarned: like the ISIS militant who came back to life, rather than the expected non-smoking section, they may find out their paradise is in fact in the smoking section.

About the Author
Dr. Christina Lin is a US-based foreign policy analyst specializing in China-Mediterranean relations. She has extensive US government experience working on national security issues and was a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) research consultant for Jane's Information Group.
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