Israel stands tall
Once upon a time, the first Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. About 67 years later, Jewish lives were in danger. King Achashveirosh, the Persian king who ruled over 127 countries, which was basically most of the world population at the time, was persuaded by his evil advisor, Haman, to kill the Jews. This would have conceivably ended the Jewish nation, G-d forbid, since Jews at that time were dispersed throughout Achashveirosh’s empire. His decree to the citizens of his empire to destroy the Jews, would have finished off the Jewish people. But a miracle occurred. The Jews, who defiantly fasted and prayed and stood tall to proclaim their Jewish identity, were saved, as the story is recounted in Megilat Esther, the scroll of Queen Esther.
Later, the Temple was rebuilt, and during that era, another miracle, the miracle of Hanukah, occurred. The Greeks wanted to destroy the Jewish religion. The Greeks were not interested so much in annihilating the Jews, as Haman was. Rather they wanted to capture and take over the Jewish soul. They didn’t even mind if the Jews had their own culture. Their only insistence was that Jews should not worship G-d.
And a miracle came about, as the Maccabees defied the Greeks. There were battles “of the few against the many, and the pure against the impure,” (as related in the ‘Al Hanisim’ prayer), and then the triumphant Maccabees entered the Temple, and wanted to light the Menorah. But all they could find were flasks of oil that had been defiled by the Greeks. Finally they found one flask of oil with the original seal of the high priest intact on it. It was enough to last for one day, but they used it, and then set about trying to get more oil. Eight days later they finally brought pure holy oil into the Temple, and then they witnessed the miracle. The pure oil that had been enough for only one day, had lasted for eight days.
We are told by our sages that when Moshiach comes, all the holidays except for Purim and Hanukah will be nullified. Commentaries explain that it doesn’t mean that we will stop celebrating those other holidays. It just means that with the magnificent light of Redemption, the light of these other holidays will pale by comparison. But Hanukah and Purim will not be nullified.
Perhaps this is an indication, that the ‘mesirat nefesh’ (subjugation of self and staying loyal to G-d) in order to, on Purim, save the Jewish people, and on Hanukah to defy the attack on Judaism, that this mesirat nefesh will shine forever.
Nowadays the Jewish people are challenged with existential destruction, G-d forbid, both physically as well as spiritually (with the threat to destroy their heritage). Sinwar and Hamas want to do what Haman wanted. And secularism, both globally and within Israel itself, replicates the Greek Hellenistic attack on Judaism during the time of Hanukah.
Yet the Jewish people stand tall. Jewish soldiers sacrifice their lives to defend the country. Jewish leaders continue the war unabated against Hamas, with the goal of destroying Hamas and the evil it represents.
Even though the whole world is against us, we are, just like in the days of Purim and Hanukah, up to all challenges and all attacks.
Those who died, soldiers hostages and civilians, after October 7, only died physically; but their spiritual existence, their souls, live on. And because they died with mesirat nefesh, (they were murdered because they were Jews), and, in the case of soldiers, sacrificing their lives to protect other Jews, their souls shine close to G-d.
Israel stands tall. Israel will not be defeated. Israel will defeat its enemies. And Israel will show the world what it means to be G-d’s people, and what it means to be morally upright to protect their fellow Jews, and to destroy evil, in order to bring peace to the world. A peace that is a true peace, that will last forever.
And just like before, now too G-d will soon redeem His people, this time forever, and we will dance and rejoice with those who had passed away and will become alive, and the world will see that once again G-d has redeemed his people.
May it happen very soon.