Yakov Saacks

Israel: The insanity continues

I don’t know about you but whenever I hear the term “conflict” in Israel, I am incensed, as there is no conflict per se, but rather, a barrage of rockets from usually the southern border coming from Gaza courtesy of Hamas, or from the Northern border gifted from Hezbollah with Iranian money and support. These rockets are not aimed at military sites or other strategic places that would help their military cause. Rather, they are aimed indiscriminately into civilian residential neighborhoods killing and maiming men, women and children.


There is no country in the world that would tolerate such attacks on its citizens. None. There would be fierce retaliation to not only stop the rockets but also to punish these vile aggressors. The fact that Israel warns the inhabitants of buildings to flee before retaliating in order to minimize casualties is a tremendous act of kindness. Once again, no other country would warn their enemies before attacking them giving them advance notice.

While Israel recognizes life as sacred, which is not the case with people that advocate homicide bombings, I believe that Israel does not need to practice restraint against terrorists’ groups like Hamas or Hezbollah.

In fact, it is Israel’s sacred duty to defend her citizens at all costs, as it is the duty of every other nation. Israel should not be the exception.


There is a failed argument called proportionality. It is an insane, rotten, vile, nonsensical approach to attempt to hinder Israel from protecting its citizens.

The proportionality argument goes as follows. Since Israel is a stronger force with a larger army, it needs to reduce its power to the same capacity, or in proportion to its enemies. This is immoral and wrong. In fact, if Israel would act in proportion to Hamas, it would kill men, women and children via cowardly attacks at bus stops and malls.

Furthermore, proportionality is not an accepted premise under international law. Let’s be clear, Israel is not a wrongdoer for having a superior military, and Hamas is not a poor victim for having a limited military.


First, if you were silent when Israel was barraged by thousands, yes thousands of rockets, upon its citizens, then you need to be silent now. One cannot spout one-way rhetoric. This goes for the U.N. who only gets involved in a panic when Israel responds. The U.N. is immoral and serves no purpose other than to condemn Israel for human rights violations. Some of the U.N. countries who lead the U.N. Human Rights Council are China, Venezuela, Russian Federation and Cuba. I am surprised that North Korea is not in on the action as well. You really cannot make this stuff up.


It takes a lot of money to fire thousands of rockets. Where is this money coming from? Who is supporting terrorist causes who kill children?

Can you imagine if this same money went into infrastructure like schools, hospitals and universities? Is there enough money to vaccinate the populace of Gaza against Covid or is all the money going to jihad?

Last I looked Iran has given 1.77 million doses, of which 292,000 have had both doses and are fully vaccinated. Now Iran has a population of close to 83 million. Should this not be a priority? It is not. The priority is to take money from naïve and other Chamberlainesque countries and convert it into weaponry that causes death and destruction in its wake.

It is no Mitzvah to give them money. It is quite the opposite. It is a dastardly act and needs to stop.


We must remember that most Gazans are civilians and are being held hostage by a wicked, unscrupulous, crooked group who have blood lust on their minds. While it is true that Hamas was voted in by the Gazan populace, this is because the Palestinian Authority had less money to offer than Hamas. This is a hard lesson learned. One has to be careful what they wish for/vote for, because now Hamas rules with an iron fist. Besides, the last election took place in 2005. Who knows what the outcome of a more recent election would look like?

For every Israeli and Gazan that is killed, I place the blame on Hamas, Palestinian murder trivializers, politicians who give terrorists money, bias media reporting, BDS fools and any and every outside agitator.

You have blood on your hands.

I pray for peace.

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About the Author
Rabbi Yakov Saacks is the founder and director of The Chai Center, Dix Hills, NY. The Chai Center has been nicknamed by some as New York's most Unorthodox Orthodox Center.
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