It is time for clear and concrete measures against the Islamic regime in Iran
On 17 October this year, the European Council decided to add eleven individuals and four entities – including the Morality Police and Iran’s law enforcement forces – to the sanctions list due to serious human rights violations in Iran.
– It was an important and resolute step, but it’s not enough. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is already sanctioned in its entirety under the EU sanctions imposed in 2010. These sanctions have had no direct impact on the Iranian regime regarding their terrorism and crimes against humanity.
In the beginning of November- Saudi officials warned Washington that Iran was planning to attack the Kingdom and Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The USA took the Iranian threat seriously when it came to the Kingdom. On Saturday, the US Central Command chief General Michael Kurilla announced during the same conference that a US-led task force will deploy more than 100 unmanned vessels in the Gulf region’s strategic waters by next year to stave off maritime threats. Iran’s threats against Saudi Arabia were in other words exposed and deterred.
The same can not be said about the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the kurdish region of Iran. Kurds are doubly colonized: firstly, by Iranian media, with all its blatant bias; secondly, by the international media,who report on protests on the streets of Tehran but don’t highlight the massacres and use of chemical weapons in the streets of the kurdish region in northwest Iran.
A massive orange fireball lit up the sky in an area outside the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on the night of Nov. 20-21, Iran had once again attacked Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
These indiscriminate attacks are occurring at a time when the terrorist regime of Iran is unable to stop the ongoing demonstrations in (Iranian) Kurdistan.
During a recent visit to Baghdad, the commander of the Quds Force in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Esmail Ghaani, threatened a military ground operation in the Kurdistan Region if “the Iraqi army does not fortify the countries’ shared borders against Kurdish opposition groups,” the Associated Press reported Nov. 18. Still we have seen no reaction from Washington, Bryssel, Ryadh or Jerusalem. To make matters worse, there have come several reports that Iran are now using chemical weapons in form of nerve gas against Kurds in Javanroud, and that Iran are planning a genocide in Mahabad. Doctors without borders have made an international plea to collect information about what kind of nerve gas that is being used, so they can create a manual to help people help themselves with medical treatment.
Wallander, the assistant secretary for international security affairs, signed an updated memorandum of understanding with Shoresh Ismail Abdulla, the Kurdistan Regional Government minister of peshmerga affairs, on Sept. 21. The agreement set out mutually agreed parameters for the next four years as the U.S. continues to support the peshmerga for Defeat-ISIS operations. Kurdish Peshmerga forces- Iranian Peshmerga included have been the most trustworthy ally for Europe and the USA in the fight against terrorism for almost two decades (starting with Operation Viking Hammer).
Still we haven’t seen any real support for the Kurdistan Region nor the Kurdish region of Iran. Even though it’s obvious that Kurds themselves – without airdefense, without an air force, without powerful weapons cant fight the world biggest state sponsor of Terrorism, nor can they defend themselves.
The Kurdish Peshmerga didn´t only defeat ISIS in Kurdistan, they also defeated ISIS in Iraq. It´s a well known fact that the Irianian regime supports terrorists, including the Al Qaeda. What is less known, is that Iranian forces was training IS militants on national grounds before they deployed them to IS-held territories in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt. Besides the Fallujah campaign advance in Iraq that was only made possible after Iranian forces negotiated an agreement with the self-declared caliphate to make way for Iraqi and Iranian forces to enter- which kinda tells you everything you need to know about Iran and ISIS. So if the United States and the international coalition truly wishes to cooperate and support the kurdish Peshmerga in their fight against ISIS, they have to provide the kurds means to defend themselves from Iranian ballistic missiles and drones.
The Iranian regime continues to demonstrate its blatant disregard for human rights and human life. This has specially been seen in the kurdish and Baloch areas of Iran the last two months. The IRGC leadership are terrorists. The IRGC plans, organizes, and executes terrorism around the world. Therefore it should be in the world interest to help the Kurds and other people suffering because of Iranian terrorism and disregard for human life. It should be common sense to establish an international coalition, or use the international coalition against ISIS- against the IRGC. At the moment Germany and the European Union are considering adding Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to the list of terrorist organizations. But there is no point adding them to the list of terrorist organizations if we are not willing to help people defend themselves from their terrorism or even counter them in a similar way we countered ISIS.