It’s Elemental
The Israel Ambassador to the UN recently shouted at the UN telling them that they are in moral bankruptcy.
And when I read this I questioned: did they ever have a bank full of morals? Did they ever possess elemental values?
Elements are essential and characteristic. Elemental is primary, principal, fundamental, essential, and signifies capabilities. Elements are the basics, and values motivate positive actions.
Our Jewish sages, our forefathers, our leaders, our ancestors, repeatedly relayed to us that which is primary , that which is elemental.
Responsibility – Arevut
Wisdom – Chochma
Love – Ahava
Faith – Emunah
I recently decided to play some 60’s music and the first song that came on was:
”What the world needs now is love sweet love..” “ G-d we don’t need another mountain..”
Hearing this song, which I have always liked, made me question : In the fragility of this world, are we always broken and in a state of healing, until when, when is the final healing? Until that time.. we need these elementals.
G-d showed Moses that wisdom is important but the forefathers began with faith. these need to go hand in hand.
We are responsible for ourselves and for each other. None display this message more than the Jewish nation; They are the lamplighters.
They celebrate life
They celebrate building
They celebrate innovation
They celebrate growth
But don’t mess with them- they have a BACKBONE- a special one
Another thing that I heard from a leader that the only way to restructure the mess of the foggy thinkers and their current bankruptcy is to provide
So …”What the world needs now is … “ Elementals, strong values .
Responsibility, Wisdom, Love, and faith – G-d
So keep your banks full, then you can help fill others.
In this new month of Sh’vat may we see more blessings and more freed.