It’s not so easy
I suppose it is a matter of age. Yes things do change and that is one fact of life and we all know the list – death, illness and disease, means and ability and so on. As I get older I literally can feel that I am slowing down and in general that’s a good thing. I’m conscience that I don’t want everything to pass me by so quickly because all that does is usher in the only real inevitable.
One by-product of this slowing down effect is that I have a second chance to look at things. I don’t accept anything at face value anymore. Stepping back allows me to come to realizations that during the 60 odd years that have past for me I have truly been blind to.
Here is one of my realizations:
There are bad things: eating something that was once alive, smoking, refusing to act for selfish motives, pretending you are something you are not, hate, apathy and anger, jealousy and complacency.
So what – what now? Well that’s the tough part – it’s not so easy.