Jan 20 – Personal Redemption and National Renewal
The ending of a presidency, either for good or for bad, is a moment of transition. In the past, such a day would only come when the king died. All people had was hope to live to see the change happen in their lifetime. But today we take it for granted that change will come as we evaluate the delivery on their promises. If they followed through on their word and actually showed empathy towards us, even if their job wasn’t perfect, they’d be given another chance for four more years or at least be remembered favorably in the lens of history. The fact that we have the ability to change course based on the test score, we come to realize that this fact is exactly what each and every human has in their personal life. We evaluate ourselves based on the score we’ve given ourselves in the past. Have we moved forward or backward since the last time we checked in?
It’s fascinating how a Constitutional Republic works. We have a set of rules which defines the purpose and reason for its creation along with the laws that will keep us bound to its original purpose as long as we keep it. The point of this experiment was to see if man can run a country the same as he would run his own life. Much like when we build relationships, in business or in our personal lives, we strive for success so that we can find peace in our days, the same attitude should be as we run a country of our own with the same values and common goal of success and peace. As if we are “One people and one nation under God indivisible.” One people, although we are all separate in our individuality and with our personal struggles, as a collective we aim toward one common goal.
Our collective work as a nation will bump its internal struggles as well. Much like a person who wants to find success in business but has trouble focusing on one thing, or a person who wants to have a flourishing marriage but can’t settle their brain on the reality over their dreams, this internal struggle keeps them from making any progress. Similar to an individual’s fight, as a nation we go through the same thing with internal fights. We want to reach success, on one hand we look at the reality and work with what we have, while on the other hand we strive to have what we are yet to have.
The foundation of this constitutional republic is so similar to our personal lives, that when we see some parts of the nation acting in certain harmful ways we understand them much better. Imagine watching a person taking a knife and cutting themselves. By seeing them do that our own heart goes into shock, we feel for them and worry for them. We feel their pain in our hearts since we know how bad it must hurt. And even more so when the other cuts themselves on purpose, the empathy that goes out from our heart is so real and true because we know that the only way they ever got to this point is if they are so truly troubled by something that feels so much bigger than them.
The same is with a constitutional republic. When we see people who are part of the nation advocating for terrible policy like mass immigration or abortion rights, we know deep down that through these actions and policies they won’t reach the success and peace they’re aiming for, it is a stunt to be seen by the compassionate so that we can save them from their own internal and demonic struggles. We feel for them not because we seek power over the victim, rather, because we can only reach the promised land if everyone comes along with us. We don’t leave a man behind. And as a united nation it is our duty to see that the ones hurting aren’t left behind. They may say words like “It’s fine,” or “I don’t need your help,” but they are just like a kid who falls off his bike and shakily stands up while forcing a smile onto his face, holding back tears while fighting a limp, as if nothing happened.
So too do we see it, as they advocate for childish stuff. They want government handouts so that they can have any desire they want without ever having to think twice. As individuals we know the tempting feeling of having everything on our fingertips, but as responsible adults we know the downfall for instant gratification and the reward of impulse control. When we see a teenager screaming on the top of their lungs for an unlimited credit card and an open web, we know to look at them as small minded and immature. Not because we are better than them, rather because we know them way too well. We’ve been there before and we’ve learnt from human nature that this is not the way of the world.
We have an obligation as a human to populate the earth. We can’t be selfish and consume what’s in front of us and not contribute to at least repay the world for the kindness it has given us. We are creators, sons and daughters of the Creator, and it is your duty to bring about the expansion of creation for as long as it is His will. As individuals that means to learn how to control ourselves and do things that bring about success and peace. By marrying and having children, doing business and providing necessities to the world. Each person will do their own job based on their personality, character and talents, and so the world will flourish and ultimately reach its goal of peace. But in order for each person to live free, we must have a national framework that allows us all to get there.
And here is where the blessing of the American experiment comes in. We took the lessons of the individual and upgraded it to serve a greater cause. We see it with all prosperous nations and religions, those who stick together for a final goal ultimately stick around much longer. And those who have successfully handed down their belief to the next generation have managed to stick around long passed dynasties and kingdoms that seemed invincible. The Jewish nation has held these principles of the Torah very near and dear to their heart for thousands of years, they have witnessed the rise and fall of every empire on the land, and it is with their values that America was founded on.
We have a chance to transition to a new chapter in our life, since we have the gift of redemption. We don’t have to stay stuck under the rule of a tyrant forever and hope for our children to have a better life. Just as we have it in our day to day life where we can get up and change our ways, we now have a country that lives on these values and who believes in the promise of redemption. As President Trump takes the reins tomorrow and as Biden walks away into the night, let us be thankful to God for giving the world these values so many years ago and that he has given us so much time to adapt to His message. He gave us Centuries of Dictators, Kings, Tyrants and Rulers, Holocausts, Genocides, Inquisitions and Death. And He let us live to witness this day of Success, Hope, Peace and to live under the light of His eternal Love.
David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Writer and HypnoTherapist. He can be reached at LemmerHypno@gmail.com