Chef Ceaser

Kosher Irish lamb stew

Kosher Irish Lamb Stew

This is a traditional Irish stew that I modified to meet the Laws of Kashrut. It is absolutely delicious but it does contain a lot of fat. I have halved the amount of lamb that we would traditionally use. I do this only to reduce the amount of trans fat. I have also increased the amount of the vegetables to offset this. By cooking this long enough you really will not miss the lamb.

If you seldom eat meat then the extra meat probably won’t hurt you so much. Just be careful with the amount of stew that you consume.

Having said all of the above this really is delicious so go for it!

Kosher Irish Lamb Stew


3 lb. Kosher Lamb meat cubed into large chunks (Six pounds of lamb would be traditionally correct.)
6 cloves of Garlic, crushed and chopped
5 Onions, quartered
2 lbs. Carrots, thickly sliced
4 stalks Celery, cleaned and sliced
1 lb. Mushrooms whole cleaned
½ lb., Green Beans
1 Green Bell Peppers, chopped
1 Red Bell Peppers, chopped
1 Hot Pepper, seeded and sliced
3 lbs. Baking Potatoes, skin cleaned and quartered with the skin on
2 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
1 Bay Leaf
Salt and freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste


Ask your butcher to trim most of the fat off the meat before it is cubed. Lamb is very fatty and the less fat the healthier this is.

In a heavy pan, render down the fat over a low heat. Brown the meat in the fat, then set aside and brown the onions, garlic, celery and carrots. Drain off any excess fat.

Return the meat to the pot add the potatoes, peppers, mushrooms, beans, Worcestershire sauce and bay leaf. Season with salt and pepper. Pour in enough water to cover. Simmer for 5 hours until the meat is very tender and the potatoes are soft. Skim off the fat from the surface, and serve hot. Add a fresh salad and some fresh bread for a complete meal.

A special note. Whenever possible please purchase Kosher items that come from Israel especially those products that originate in Judea and the Shomron.

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About the Author
Chef Ceaser has been a kosher chef for 37 years.
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