Lies that reveal the true face of the Islamic Republic
These days, an interesting text is being circulated by Iranians who are against the regime of the Islamic Republic, which tells about the hypocrisy and lying of the government in most fields. That text is: “The Islamic Republic is the only government in the world that uses ambulances to suppress protesters, fire trucks to disperse the crowd, cranes to execute in public, police cars to block roads, and metal cutters to cut off fingers, but it wants nuclear power for peaceful purposes” It seems that this reference is not so misguided, because the dish of scandal and lying of the Islamic Republic regime has fallen off the roof with the beginning of the revolutionary uprising of the Iranian people and its terrible voice has been heard all over the world.

What is noteworthy is the lies of the regime about its nuclear program in the past 20 years, which made the program look peaceful. The skill of lying and the use of technology and facilities in the path of evil is a method that the authorities of the Islamic Republic are not afraid to use. For instance, in the beginning of the uprising, the foreign minister surprisingly stated that no protesters were killed in Iran!

The same lies are told by the government spokesman Ebrahim Raisi. He says that no one has been killed unjustly in the streets of Iran. Inside Iran, the state television has blocked all ways of people’s access to the free world, while making the atmosphere seem normal. The reporter of the state TV goes to the alley of the deserted streets in a threadbare scenario and asks the people (everything has been setup in advance): Do you see demonstrations or riots anywhere? Then the camera shows the quiet and peaceful streets and the reporter and the interviewee start mocking and grinning!
The same thing happened a few years ago, the Prime Minister of Israel (Benjamin Netanyahu) exposed the secret project of the regime’s nuclear program in Turquzabad, near Tehran, at the United Nations General Assembly. For this scandal, television agents affiliated with the leader of the dictator of the Islamic Republic entered the Turquzabad region to cover up this story with a false policy and a fake scenario. Someone behind the suspicious place said in a ridiculous and planned tone: We are washing the carpet here!

Now Torquzabad itself has become the Achilles heel of the system. In order to sign the JCPOA 2, the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran beg that the International Energy Agency should first be silent about the nuclear claim of Torquzabad and forget it forever. The reason is that they could not find an acceptable explanation for it other than providing the tapes and audio of the fake carpet cleaners to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Of their shameless lying we can refer to the regional interventions of this regime in the Middle East. The Islamic Republic provides arms and ammunition to its proxy groups, allies. And order them to hit some targets, of which Aramco or ships in the Persian Gulf are some examples. More interestingly, when the moment comes to answer these evil actions in the international arena, they deny these actions all together.
Recently, Islamic Republic proudly announced that it has become so advanced in the production of drones that they export them to other countries.

When the leader of the Islamic Republic, in his speech, accidentally revealed that the Russians used Iranian drones to attack Ukraine, suddenly, that part of his statement quickly removed from news outlets so that the foreign minister of this regime has more maneuvering power to lie and deny the issue of sending weapons to Russia and their involvement in the Ukraine war.
Lies that will never stop.
The key issue of all the mentioned cases is the normalization of lying and deception by this regime. They lie and deceive people inside Iran and try to obtain nuclear weapons and spread war and destruction in the Middle East. In the current situation, it seems that it has been proven to everyone more than ever that the expiry date of the Islamic Republic of Iran has come. The world knows that the mullahs’ scenarios about not going towards nuclear weapons and their claims about democracy and freedom of speech in Iran are nothing but worthless lies and deception.