Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Many miracles

There is now a deal in place to return hostages.

Smotrich warned that if Israel doesn’t renew the war against Hamas (after the truce), he will leave the coalition. Ben Gvir would probably join him.

This past year was loaded with miracles. The question is, now what? Will Israel succeed in eliminating Hamas? Will the threat from Iran be eliminated?

As we look forward to the Redemption, when the dead will come alive, and the world will be filled with peace and awareness of G-d, we anticipate many miracles.

Jews are used to miracles: the Exodus from Egypt, the splitting of the sea, the revelation at Mount Sinai, and many other miracles, including the survival of the Jewish people till this day.

On Chanukah, when we light the menorah, we recite a blessing that G-d performed miracles for us, in those days, in our time.

Just as we’ve seen G-d’s miracles for the Jewish nation nowadays, we look forward to a continuation in miraculously defeating and eradicating evil.

Recently we saw many miracles. Pagers exploded. Syria fell suddenly. Iranian missiles failed and their air defence disappeared.

Now too, we look forward to the miraculous elimination of Hamas, and of Iran’s threat to obtain nuclear weapons.

Because “Just as in the days when you left Egypt, I will show you wonders.” (Micah 7; 15)

Evil will miraculously disappear. And the miracles of Redemption with Moshiach will be wondrous.

May it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for
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