Marc Daniels

Mark your Calendar – Weed Out Hate day – April 3rd, 2014

Announcing Global Sunflower Seed  Peace Planting!

PR Newswire
PR Newswire

Global Call to Action. Two billion kids called upon to cultivate our Promised Land Vision.

According to McGraw Hill’s “Chase’s Calendar of Events”, April 3rd,2014 is Weed Out Hate; Sow the Seeds of Peace Day.

If you think this is a touchy-feely movement, think again. It is all about bringing out the spiritual guerilla gardener in all of us. It is not good enough to turn the other cheek; if we are going to stop hatred, we need to out spiritualize our neighbors; to weed out hatred as a spiritual herbicide, the same way gardeners apply herbicides to the fields and gardens.

Forty six years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his prophetic “Mountain Top” Speech to the nation, much of his “Promised Land” Vision has come to fruition. Unfortunately, there are still persistent weed seeds of hate that remain embedded in our collective consciousness, hindering our success as individuals and as a society. Just as weeds compete for nutrients and water that cultivated garden plants require, our inner weed seeds, the germs of hate, prevent our children from experiencing the deepest root-connections to nature. With the right intention, removing weeds from our yards and gardens can serve as a paradigm for eradicating the inner bullying instincts that many of our children harbor and too often suppress. Freed from all of this negativity, spirits will bloom, enabling children everywhere to sow the seeds of peace. Planting sunflowers is a marvelous symbolic gesture for participating in the completion of Dr. King’s great Dream and Vision.

Forty six years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his prophetic “Mountain Top” Speech to the nation, much of his “Promised Land” Vision has come to fruition. Unfortunately, there are still persistent weed seeds of hate that remain embedded in our collective consciousness, hindering our success as individuals and as a society. Just as weeds compete for nutrients and water that cultivated garden plants require, our inner weed seeds, the germs of hate, prevent our children from experiencing the deepest root-connections to nature. With the right intention, removing weeds from our yards and gardens can serve as a paradigm for eradicating the inner bullying instincts that many of our children harbor and too often suppress. Freed from all of this negativity, spirits will bloom, enabling children everywhere to sow the seeds of peace. Planting sunflowers is a marvelous symbolic gesture for participating in the completion of Dr. King’s great Dream and Vision.

Dr. King once stated that “With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.”  When one begins to illuminate this stone, one discovers that this is a metaphorical stony heart, an egoistic shell, that protects us from harm and pain, but also acts to detaches us.   Weed Out Hate gives us a powerful method to transform this stone of hope, our collective stony heart, into rich fertile substrate. Just imagine the possibilities…if children from all over the world would each extract a symbolic weed of hatred and replenish it with a seed of peace! Together, we would cultivate our Promised Land vision for bearing the ultimate fruit that connects with God, Nature, and each other. We would treat each other as we would like to be treated, rooting out hate and evil and planting love and respect in our hearts and in our gardens. Then, we could experience the ultimate blossoms of freedom. Let us weed out hate. Let us sow seeds of peace. And let freedom ring

About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.