Mass murderer proudly confesses — & gets marvelous present from UN!

Watch a mass murderer, UNESCO pin-up boy, happily confess his crime!

Reminder: It’s a three-minute video, In Arabic — NEW! now available with English translation.

You can watch Hebron mayor/Machpela director Tayseer Abu-Sneineh proudly describing —

exactly how he slaughtered six Israeli worshippers on the Jewish Sabbath in 1980.

The links are right on the Mattot Arim Facebook page — both in the original Arabic and with new English translation. In the video,
Hebron mayor/Machpela director Tayseer Abu-Sneineh confesses that the murder of civilians was intentional and premeditated. He describes premeditated planning of the attack on both soldiers and civilians (“settlers”) — for eight months!

Hebron mayor/Machpela director Tayseer Abu-Sneineh also tells his laughing and appreciative audience, that he had hoped to kill even more people, not just six.

He says his original plan was to postpone his terrorist attack — if less than 50 (!) potential victims were present.

This week, UNESCO is going to give Hebron and the Machpela to this confessed pre-meditated mass-murderer. Instead of giving this heritage site – which is Jewish in origin – to Israel.

Where is the civilized world? The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, can de-fund the UN for this — she’s on Facebook, ask her to! Ditto re the British ambassador, but the USA is the largest source of funds for the UN.

After the USA finally responds to this travesty with a defunding move, other countries must immediately be asked to follow suit.

About the Author
Susie Dym is a London-born, English-speaking Israeli. By profession, she's a patent attorney in Israel’s private and defense industries. She also has over 20 years of experience in public affairs including introducing the Israeli parliament to the novel concept of achievement orientation by masterminding the Mattot Arim reports. She still serves as spokesperson for Mattot Arim, an Israeli NGO working toward peace-for-peace since 1992, and is well connected to Israeli public figures in government and media.
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