Tuvia Book
Author, educator, Tour-Guide, artist

Menachem Begin, Israel’s Jewish Prime Minister

In honour of the centenary of Menachem Begin’s birth Daniel Gordis just released a new book titled: “Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel’s Soul” (Schocken: 2014). A couple of days ago I was privileged to attend a presentation he gave on the day of the book launch. He opened by informing the audience that the original title he wanted to give his book was the title of this review “Menachem Begin, Israel’s Jewish Prime Minister.” He then proceeded to deliver a fascinating analysis on why Begin was, in his words, “Israel’s most Jewish Prime Minister.”

gordis begin book cover

Gordis explained that Begin plotted his life on a biblical map and that he helped restore the “Jewish” to Israeli identity. He saw the renewal of the State of Israel as the continuation of the biblical story. This coloured his views and decisions during the entire period of his public life, as well as his personal life. Gordis writes that:

It was a life of great loyalty — to the people into which he was born, to the woman he loved from the moment he met her and to the State that he helped create.”

 Many biblical allusions and biblical language were an integral part of his life. This belief led him to have certainties. One was NEVER to divide Jerusalem. According to Gordis’s research, David Rubinger’s iconic photograph of Rabbi Goren blowing the shofar at the Western Wall after its liberation in 1967 was the result of Begin’s idea. Begin realised the Jews returning to the Temple Mount was an event of biblical magnitude.  Just as Joshua blew the shofar as the Jews entered the land to take possession under his leadership over three millennia ago, so too should the Jews blow the shofar when they complete the circle of return, one of history’s least likely and most epic scenarios. David Rubinger has Menachem Begin to thank for his famous image!

Another certainty in his life was that the modern Amalek was Germany.   He viewed the following biblical verse quite literally:

When the Lord your God gives you rest from all the enemies around you in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you shall blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!” 

-(Deuteronomy 25:19)

He was dead set against reparations. The more pragmatic Ben Gurion, despite recognising the emotional issue surrounding the issue of reparations from Germany, realised that the nascent State desperately needed the economic benefits a massive infusion of cash and goods would provide. Begin asked Ben Gurion during an extremely heated debate in the Knesset, “how much money are you getting for every dead Jew?” There was almost a civil war in the State’s early years over the issues of German reparations. Begin was ejected from the Knesset and lead protest marches of thousands. It was a case of emotional (Begin) vs. rational (Ben Gurion). Anita Shapira, one of Israel’s preeminent historians, said that it was impossible to exaggerate the animosity between Begin and Ben Gurion.

Begin understood, according to Gordis, that the Bible is not the story of the Jews, rather it is the story of the whole Jewish people; That is why he was finally elected. He understood the importance of peoplehood. North African Jews voted in the Polish gentleman in the suit precisely because he understood the importance of peoplehood.

Above all, Begin saw himself as an emissary for his people. He did not even take the million dollars that came with the Nobel Peace Prize he received for helping facilitate the peace with Egypt. His family lived in a one bedroom flat on Rosenbaum street in Tel Aviv the entire time he was in the opposition, a period of almost three decades. After he left office, his friends had to buy him a flat, as he did not own any property.

Gordis made some interesting observations:

  • Begin came to Israel at the age of 29.
  • He was elected as the Prime Minister after 29 years (and his ninth attempt) in opposition!
  • He started his life in Israel hiding from the British
  • He ended his life hiding from the Israelis

One of Begin’s last public appearances was at the Kahane Commission.  He was a broken man after the death of his beloved wife Aliza and having being mislead by Sharon over the Lebanon War. When asked his name, he replied in a very Jewish/Biblical manner: “Menachem ben Ze’ev v Chasia Begin.”

In 1992 I was humbled to be at Begin’s funeral on the Biblical Mount of Olives (as opposed to modern Mount Herzl). Begin asked to be buried next to Meir Feinstein and Moshe Barazani, two heroes of the pre-state anti-British underground, who chose to blow themselves up in their Jerusalem prison cell, after singing “Adon Olam,” rather than be hanged by the British. There were literally tens of thousands of mourners from all across the spectrum of Israeli society. Even though he asked for no eulogies, the sheer scale of the turnout was witness to the admiration of the people and State of Israel.

His belief that the renewal of the Jewish State was the continuation of the biblical story coloured all of his decisions, from not wanting to accept reparations, to granting asylum to the Vietnamese boat people as his first act in office, to ordering the bombing of the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq, to prevent a potential second Holocaust. Begin famously observed:

 Not by the right of might have we returned to the land of our forefathers but we have returned by the might of right.”

About the Author
Tuvia Book has a doctorate in education and is the author and illustrator of the internationally acclaimed Israel education curriculum; "For the Sake of Zion; A Curriculum of Israel Studies" (Fifth edition, Koren), "Jewish Journeys, The Second Temple Period to the Bar Kokhba Revolt, 536 BCE-136 CE," (Koren), "Moral Dilemmas of the Modern Israeli Soldier" (Rama) and the soon to be published “Jewish Journeys, The First Temple Period, 1000 -586 BCE” (Koren). Dr. Book was born in London and raised in both the UK and South Africa. After making Aliya at the age of 17 and studying in Yeshiva he volunteered for the IDF, where he served in an elite combat unit. Upon his discharge he completed his undergraduate degree in Jewish history and literature, as well as a certification in graphic design. He then served as the Information Officer and deputy head of security at the Israeli Consulate of Philadelphia, while earning a graduate degree in Jewish Studies. Upon his return to Israel, Dr. Book graduated from a course of study with the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and is a licensed tour guide. Tuvia has been working in the field of Jewish education, both formal and informal, for many years. He has guided and taught Jewish students and educators from around the English-speaking world for some of Israel’s premier educational institutions and programs. Tuvia has lectured throughout North America, Australia, Europe, and South Africa. In addition, his artwork has been commissioned on every continent (except Antarctica). Tuvia served as a Shaliach (emissary) for the Jewish Agency for Israel as the Director of Israel and Zionist Education at the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York (Jewish Education Project). He was a lecturer/educational guide at the Alexander Muss Institute for Israel Education (AMIIE) in Israel. Tuvia has lectured at both Bar Ilan University and Hebrew University. He is a Teaching Fellow at the Tikvah Fund. He is a research associate at the Hudson Institute. His latest book, "Jewish Journeys, The First Temple Period, From King David to King Zedekiah, 1000 - 586 BCE," (Koren) is part of a series on Jewish history.
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