Josia Nakash
Founder, Good Vibe Agency

Miri Regev’s Huge Heart Will Win This Election

Likud Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev in Petach Tikva - September 12, 2019

Israel’s Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev was full of hugs and kisses yesterday at a Likud mobile broadcast in Petach Tikva’s market. Love and connection will prevail. 

I love seeing beautiful women use their natural female powers to lift us up, and show us a better way forward. Miri Regev is no exception. She is a powerful force of nature in her own right, because she is entirely focused on bringing people together in a very human and genuine way.

I loved the way she introduced the heads of the Ichud Haam movement to unite the country, as people who are coming from a place of annulling the ego.  If we all move our ego slightly out of the way, imagine what an incredible space we could create here for love and unity.

This is a perfect example of how Israelis, and actually anyone in the world, can choose love and connection, over hate and division, every single day. We don’t have to wait for an election to do it.

Josia Nakash, Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev, Daphna Bar, Alon Rozenfeld, and Ariel Elhananov. Petach Tikva, September 12, 2019.

Regardless of who wins the election, every single person, at any given moment, needs to decide why they are living, who is managing them, how to behave, and how to organize their lives.

We are not really dependent on a single person who is flesh and blood, but rather the upper providence. Our choice should always be about choosing the upper providence, and how to adjust everything in our lives to impact it in a positive way.

We need to learn to direct ourselves properly. If we know how to impact the upper force, every day in every situation and event, then we will be the choosers of our destiny, and will be in partnership with this force. 

We are not like other nations that choose some government that manipulates people in all sorts of ways. We are a people that can choose the upper force and demand of Him to operate on us, and in this, we are special.

We must understand our relationship with the higher power. Our connection that has the power to impact Him, is called the Temple.  If He influences us, then He builds us, by connecting us together, and in this we are the people of Israel.

This supreme power is called the power of nature, and it manages all of society, all of humanity, and brings us into the correct development.  To the extent that we conform to it, according to its plan of development, we will progress in an efficient manner, without suffering.

Nature is circular, global, and inter-connected, and we have to constantly choose to be like it.

The name of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party, the Likud, literally means “unity”. Let us hope that in the coming chaotic days leading up to the election, we can rise above the division to create something better for all of us.

Hopefully, this time, Prime Minister Netanyahu will use the speech I wrote for him.

“The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them.” (Maor Vashemesh).

About the Author
Josia Nakash made Aliya from Canada at the age of 12 on a 28-foot Cape Dory sailboat. She loves sharing all the good Israel has to offer the world. Josia has a BA in International Relations and Political Science. She was the IDF's second female sniper instructor, and today manages the public profiles of CEOs.
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