Beverley Price

Moderate Moslem people could help

I watched  a debate between Tariq Ramadan, a Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University, and  the late Christopher Hitchens, on Youtube.

It led me to wonder how moderate Moslem people could fit in as advisors to the counter-terror/ counter-jihadist planning which is imminent  in Europe, the UK and the US.

Publicly, the task seems oddly to have been taken on as a fait accompli by the non-Moslem leaders of these regions (Hollande, Cameron, Obama) , in order to reign  in the Islamists, but  without the requisite religious expertise that is  aligned with Islam.

Who can understand the basics of a religion better than co-religionists? Moderate Moslem people would do well to offer the contexts and guidance, as people who are au fait with the religion, and  help unravel the logic and difficult extrapolations towards  Islamist extremism.

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It seems a forgone assumption that European/ British/ US leaders have not publicly invited moderate Moslem advisors to  contribute to the planning  and containment of  Moslem extremism in these regions. Nor have moderate Moslem leaders come forward in these countries. There are as yet no apparent collaborations publicly announced.

How can the non-Moslem leaders of these regions and countries be expected to have a right perspective and right insight towards finding the long term solutions? At least an offering by moderate Moslem advisors and leaders towards  their Prime Ministers would be helpful.

The various non-Moslem leaders seem willing to carry out the ‘clean-up’ job without seeking  the committed public participation of significant moderate Moslem advisors.

Surely they exist and can come to the surface. Such a public move would bring a better public view in these days towards moderate Islam.


About the Author
Beverley Price grew up in apartheid SA, lived in Baka, Jerusalem studied in London, is a jewellery artist interested in the pre-colonial South African goldsmiths at Mapungubwe (900-1300 ACE). She lived for three years in rural KwaZulu-Natal (Ixopo ) after her return to SA in 1995 where she had her studio and learned to speak Zulu and more about the Zulu culture. As with many South African Jews, her mother is Polish and her late father was Lithuanian. She loves her sister-in-law, brothers, nephews, nieces and their children. She studied at Pardes in Jerusalem from 1983-1985.
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