John Cronin

Babies R Us

In my last post on the subject, I took a position somewhat critical of the Kerry Peace Initiative, now starting its nine-month gestation period inside that diplomatic womb so generously donated by American and Arab surrogates. This time I want to try for a more upbeat version of events.

Let’s imagine that the entire matter has been debated at length, the many and various obstacles discussed in great detail and, through some epiphany as yet unknown, all major issues have been successfully addressed and overcome. The manner and methods used have gained the full approval of all negotiators, the baby has been born and the proud parents are only too happy to show it off to a waiting world.

With the infant having thus been safely delivered, what are its chances for surviving and thriving outside the warm, protective cocoon that Mr. Kerry et al have been busily weaving around it?

Birth is only the first step in a long line of life’s achievements and many are the hurdles and pitfalls to be found along the way. And attaining a level of maturity required for independent existence demands a certain amount of endurance and stamina, qualities not generally observed in those more recently come into the world.

So it must remain highly desirable to shield this new arrival from whatever would still seek to do it harm. 

It would seem, therefore, that no matter what the outcome of the next nine months, this process also has some claim to justify its own entry into our midst.

And this may be the one baby of which we can all be proud parents.

About the Author
Engineer, Virgo - now retired having worked 30 years in the field of medical diagnostic imaging for a major German multinational. Based in UK .