My Idea For A Novel
This could be really big. My lead character is a wealthy low class charlatan, crude and unpolished, multi-married and often found involved in lawsuits which reek of unlawful behavior. His gutter language is laced with grammatical errors and we see from his Tweets that he cannot spell. He’s poorly educated but with an Ivy League degree. I’m sure you’ve known people like him.
He’s arrogant to a fault and is an insecure paranoid bully. He insults anyone who disagrees with him, in the matter of a school child having a playground battle.
My twist is that I get this guy elected to be president of the United States. Yup. You heard me. Not head dog-catcher. president.
The story starts to get more fantastic when a group of government insiders, people who work in the White House itself, perceive the danger of my character and conspire to protect the country from his extreme incompetence and total lack of judgment. Here’s the twist: what happens to those who try to subvert my mighty hero? Are they fired? How long can they remain under cover? Are they arrested, jailed, indicted. Is my main man? Got to work out all these details.
And what do the members of Congress do? You’re guessing they remain in hiding and make long and tedious speeches signifying nothing. What if they actually spring into action and save the world? What if they become super-heroes?
And what about the Supreme Court? His wife? The voters?
I can take this in so many directions.
I need to deal with the evil vice-president as well. Do I want to free the nation of my hero and wind up with a totally scary replacement? Maybe this will be a saga? Sort of a Netflix series that takes several years to play itself out?
I know you think this is just too crazy. Maybe I should locate it in some banana republic. America? Never! I’m still deciding.
Probably no publisher will even look at my book. Not based in reality. These things could never happen here in America.
I’ll keep you posted.