My New Credit Card Has All the Answers
My credit card came up for renewal this week. After being pestered by the bank with SMS messages for a few days, I finally got myself together and drove into town and called in at the bank. The new card has the same 16 digit number which I am sure is known to every gas station in the surrounding area, a couple of charities who persistently nag for donations on the phone and some online bookstores. Otherwise the card is the same as the old one – it even produced cash from an ATM.
But there was one nice surprise. The new card is renewable only in August of 2016! Thanks, credit card company for the vote of confidence in my states of health and finance. I will do my best to keep using my card until the due date…
On the downside, however, I have a horrible feeling that you guys are pushing me willy-nilly through the next 3 years without letting me touch sides. Even the jar of peanut butter I bought in a supermarket last week has a one year shelf-life and my new driving license has a 2 year limit. I wish your assessment of my future could be definitive – I could save a few visits to doctors, I could binge unreservedly on thick juicy steaks, full-fat cheeses and other gourmet delights that I pass on in the interest of low cholesterol and low blood pressure.
Anyway, I appreciate the compliment – I’m not promising to use the new card more frequently, but it’s comforting to know it’s there in my wallet.