No Words?
It’s what separates us from the animals. It’s what defines us. It’s what gives us the power to build or destroy. There is no greater power or weapon in the world.
When I heard the news that our boys were kidnapped, I had no words; ie: I was powerless. I opened my mouth and it malfunctioned. My eyes took charge and responded with tears, my heart with aches, my body with profuse sweat. Then I was frozen. The enemy stole our boys and stole my words.
When I calmed down somewhat I knew what I had to do. I knew I had to find my words and pray. I said Tehillim, I went to the women’s prayer meeting, and I poured out my heart and soul over and over again to G-d, asking, begging and demanding He bring them home.
Usually personal prayer is as it’s named and not meant to be shared with others. It is sacred between G-d and man. I am breaking this unsaid rule for the people who have difficulty with it. Many people I know find it hard to turn to G-d and speak from the heart. This is what I did. I hope someone finds it helpful.
“Aballe, as you well know three precious Jewish children have been kidnapped.They are innocent young boys who did nothing to deserve this. I turn to you as a parent. I can’t imagine what these boys are thinking or feeling or going through….Abba, as much as it hurts me I know it must hurt you more. You, who partnered in creating these boys! Abba do not forsake us! Abba our Helper, Savior and Shield. Prove to us You are these. Help them not fear, save them from this nightmare and shield them from harm! Abba we are doing our best; we need You
to do the rest! Please return our boys home safe and sound. Please display to all the World that You are All-powerful! Abba I know we as a nation have failed in our ability to unite. Look now! Look at the massive prayer groups that have joined together to beseech you! We believe in you! Thousands of Your children in the armed forces are doing their job. Millions of prayers roar through the air to the heavens. I was told the gates of heaven do not close to tears. Let our tearful prayers storm the heavens. Let our prayers be heard and PLEASE bring our boys back home.”
I hope these words along with the millions of heartfelt words of our people are powerful enough to bring our boys home.