Non-Jews who desire to become Jews Should Be Welcomed
An Israeli Diaspora Affairs Ministry committee said in a statement that more than 50 million non-Jewish people worldwide have an affinity with Judaism or Israel, including both groups and individuals who could be screened for potential conversion and immigration to Israel.
In what it calls an “unprecedented strategic opportunity,” the committee calls for providing learning materials about Judaism, the Jewish state, and the Hebrew language, and designing a special track for those interested in working, living, and perhaps even converting to Judaism to come to Israel, the Haaretz daily newspaper reported just two days prior to Passover.
Of course Orthodox rabbis immediately attacked the idea, saying that Judaism is not a proselytizing religion and totally avoiding the opinion of Rabbi Eleazar who taught, “The Holy One exiled Israel among the nations only in order that proselytes might be multiplied among them.” (Pesachim 87b)
If a prospective convert is sincere in his or her intention to keep the commandments and a rabbinic court suspects him of being insincere, the court causes great damage to both the Jewish people and the convert, and is punished for this. (This was the case, for example, when our forefathers refused to accept Timna as a convert. She eventually distanced herself greatly from the Jewish people, marrying Elifaz and giving birth to a descendant Amalek, who attacked the Jewish people greatly. (Sanhedrin 99b)
Indeed the Talmud says Jews suffered the great damage of being enslaved in Egypt because Abraham failed to give some non-Jews an opportunity to convert. (Nedarim 32a) The possibility of harm coming from accepting converts was only true after 4th-6th century Roman laws made it illegal for someone to convert to Judaism.
As late as 1749 a Polish Count, Valentine Potocki, who had secretly converted to Judaism, was burned at the stake in the center of Vilna. Even today in Iran, Muslims who convert to another religion have been jailed and occasionally executed. But, in democratic countries, no such danger has ever occurred.
When the Jewish People escaped from Egypt the Torah tells us (Exodus 12:38) that an erev rav, a mixed multitude of other people, also escaped with them. Who were these people; and why does it matter today? I offer five answers to be shared at your Seder.
A- The erev rav-mixed multitude were the Egyptian descendants of Shifra and Puah, the Egyptian midwives who refused to follow Pharaoh’s orders to kill all the new born baby boys they delivered. (Exodus 1:17-19) Shifra, Puah, all their direct descendants and almost all the families their descendants had married into; all joined Israel in the Exodus, at Sinai, and a generation later entered with Israel into the Land of Israel.
B- The erev rav-mixed multitude were the descendants of Midianites who had also been enslaved by the Egyptians and forced to mine the great copper, gold and turquoise deposits of Serabit el-Khadem in the Sinai wilderness. Their descendants who now lived in the Goshen delta knew that Moses had married Tsiporah, the daughter of Jethro, a Midianite priest, who had stopped worshipping idols due to the influence of Moses.
Hathor, the cow goddess, had been their idol at Serabit el-Khadem, which was not far from Sinai; and a few of these descendants were the ones who suggested making the golden calf when the Jewish people feared Moses had died on Mount Sinai.
C- The erev rav-mixed multitude were descendants of the hundreds of followers of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti, who worshiped At-en, the Solar Disc, as their one God, although for political reasons, Pharaoh wanted all the rest of the Egyptian people to continue worshiping Pharaoh as the Divine Son of God. Almost all of them joined Israel in the Exodus, at Sinai, and a generation later entered with Israel into the Land of Israel.
D- The erev rav-mixed multitude were descendants of family of Asenath, a daughter of Potiphera, a priest from the city of On (LXX: Heliopolis), who Pharaoh gave to Joseph to be his wife (Geneses 41:45). Some of these descendants influenced Thutmose III (sometimes read as Thutmosis) and his son Akhenaten toward monotheism. They, like Bnai Israel, were also enslaved when the 18th dynasty was replaced by the 19th dynasty of Ramose I, the Pharaoh who did not want to know Joseph. (Exodus 1:8)
E- The erev rav-mixed multitude were the large numbers of individuals from several Egyptian clans and various oppressed ethnic groups, including all the above, who wanted to join the people of Israel and share its destiny because they were favorably impressed by Moses (Exodus 3:21 and 11:3) and who were rescued from the 10th plague because they lent silver and copper vessels to their Jewish neighbors. (Exodus 3:22, 11:2 and 12:35-36). Lent not despoiled, because the primary meaning of the Hebrew word nitsal in all three verses is rescue, only the secondary meaning is plunder.
Not all of the erev rav mixed multitude who joined the Jewish people turned out to be better than average Jews; but most of them and their descendants did become better than average Jews. This was true in the past and will be true also in our future.
That is why the Talmud (Sanhedrin 99b) condemns those who push potential converts away by relating that Isaac and Jacob pushed away Timna the sister of Lotan who wanted to become Jewish. She then married a son of Esau. One of her descendants was Amalek who attacked Israel shortly after they escaped from Egypt. If, instead of being pushed away, Timna had become Jewish, Amalek would have been on our side, and not one of our enemies. A more practical view is hard to imagine.
Indeed, several Talmudic Rabbis felt that discouraging converts in the past had brought troubles upon the Jewish People. Rabbi Johanan says the Jews were oppressed and enslaved in Egypt because Abraham didn’t try to influence some captives that he rescued to become Jewish. Even failing to encourage potential converts is wrong according to Rabbi Johanan.
Although tradition says we should not mention who is a convert, this was only due the danger of conversion to Judaism in the Dark Ages and to tell those Jews who think birth is more important than commitment to keep their mouth shut. Why not share stories of converts to Judaism at our Seder when we get to the fourth child who did not feel anything about Judaism until starting on the path to becoming Jewish.