Chef Ceaser

Olives with oranges, almonds and garbonzo beans

Olives with Oranges, Almonds and Garbonzo Beans

Here is a great side dish that I know you will love.

Olives with Oranges, Almonds and Garbonzo Beans


4 cans whole mixed Green and Black Olives, pitted
Zest of one Orange, minced
Juice of one Orange
Orange slices of one Orange, chopped
Zest of one Lemon, minced
Juice of one Lemon
2 Carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
2 cans Kidney Beans
1 tsp. crushed Red Pepper Flakes
1 tsp. Fennel Seeds
3 tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 cloves Garlic, crushed and minced
2 cups toasted Almonds
2 cans Garbonzo Beans, rinsed and drained
2 tsp. Sweet Smoked Paprika
Salt and freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

In a large oven pan mix all the ingredients together. Bake for about 60 minutes and serve.

A special note. Whenever possible please purchase Kosher items that come from Israel especially those products that originate in Judea and the Shomron.

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About the Author
Chef Ceaser has been a kosher chef for 37 years.
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