Jay Hait
American Israeli Family Law Attorney

Opening skies and an UEA deal. Is the crisis ending?

Is that I light I see at the end of this long dark tunnel?

The corona crisis interrupted so many things that we all took for granted; good health; going out for coffee; sending our kids off to school; going to work; having a job. And travel came to an abrupt end as well. So many of my Family Law clients have relatives who don’t live in Israel. Most people I know, myself included, have family living abroad that we have no idea when we’ll see again. Air travel has been a lifeline to those we love. And of course the travel industry has been gutted.

Now it seems, flights are going to resume in a very limited capacity. The details are confusing at best. How many flights will there be and how frequently? What countries are Israelis allowed to enter? Who can come here? Is everyone required to do a coronavirus test at the airport? How much will it cost? How high will the price of travel insurance go? And the quarantine rules seem to change daily.

We also have this “new economic deal” with the UEA necessitating an adjustment of our perceptions of this Arab nation.

So, what do the opening skies and this promised economic partnership mean for the bigger picture of our little country?

I don’t think this limited resumed air travel will have much effect on the massive economic decimation of our economy. It definitely won’t restore our tourist industry – restaurants, pubs, museums and other cultural businesses. But hopefully, it will be the start of at least some improvement. And I believe the peace agreement with UAE (and other Muslim countries that I hope will follow suit) will have a limited significant short-term effect on the economy. But perhaps both will bring an economic and psychological boost to us in the long term.

So, even though these two positive developments seem like pouring a trickle of “water” on a  burning house (our economy), at least it’s a start.

In my opinion, the “price” paid for the UAE peace agreement – the non-annexation of Judea and Samaria (for now – long term who knows) should not be the focus. Yes, these places may be our biblical homeland and theologically they should be part of our country. (I acknowledge I’m ignoring the Israeli-Palestinian issue here). I can’t help but feel, however, that annexation right now should not be the focus of the leaders.

Their goals should be keeping the citizens safe and healthy while at the same time concentrating on saving as much of our economy as possible until the Covid crisis has passed.

Once these two goals have been achieved, everything else can be addressed. Because if they’re not, there will be very few of our other pressing issues that can be addressed at all.

If you have questions about how Covid 19 may affect divorce proceedings, child custody or power of attorney, please don’t hesitate to contact Jay Hait directly: Or call (077) 200-8161 in Israel and (201) 696 – 3947 in the USA. Jay Hait has offices in Tel Aviv, Raanana and Jerusalem and Haifa


About the Author
Soon after returning to Israel with his family fom a 14 year hiatus in the US, American born and bred attorney Jay Hait went through a vicious divorce exposing him to the dark side of family law in Israel. When it was all over and he came out with custody over his young children, Jay switched from corporate to family law because he knew that there had to be a better way -even within the confines of the Israeli legal system.
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