Parashat Pinchas
The war begun by Balak and Bilaam against Israel is still being waged today. This is the war against the Jewish family, the soul and source of Israel’s strength. Balak and Bilaam conspired to entrap Israel with idol worship and licentiousness. Today, Israel’s enemies kidnap her children and fire missiles into her towns and villages.
Parashat Pinchas contains three responses to the war against the Jewish family: The zealotry of Pinchas, the love of the land of Tzelaphchad’s daughters and the increased sanctity and closeness to G-d engendered by the Shabbat and holiday Musaf (additional) offerings in the Holy Temple.
Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1)
Parashat Pinchas is read on Shabbat:
Tammuz 14, 5774/July 12, 2014
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