Chaim Richman

Parshat Ki Tisa

That the incident of the golden calf was a mega-debacle is beyond the shadow of a doubt. But what was it all about? What was the sin? Who was behind it? Why did G-d swear Israel’s destruction, then back off? Why did G-d “go easy” concerning the sin of the golden calf, in contrast to the sin of the spies, in which G-d condemned an entire generation to death in the wilderness? Why do our sages say the sin of the golden calf recurs in every generation, and why is Israel poised today to put an end for once and for all to this enduring snare? The answers to all these questions, and more, found within.

About the Author
Rabbi Chaim Richman is the director of the international department of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. For over three decades the Temple Institute has been dedicated to every aspect of the Biblical commandment to build the Holy Temple. Through its research and educational programming, the Institute seeks to highlight the universal significance of the Holy Temple as a house of peace and prayer for all nations.
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