Chaim Richman

Parshat Vayakhel

Within two days only Israel brought to Moshe all the gold and silver and copper and blue techelet and purple argaman and crimson shani and goat skins and tachash skins and precious stones needed to make the Tabernacle, all its vessels and the priestly garments. Giving hearts brought all this to the wise hearts who fashioned from these raw materials the Tabernacle, all its vessels and the priestly garments. Nothing can stand between Israel and G-d and the Holy Temple if wise and giving hearts are willing.

About the Author
Rabbi Chaim Richman is the director of the international department of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. For over three decades the Temple Institute has been dedicated to every aspect of the Biblical commandment to build the Holy Temple. Through its research and educational programming, the Institute seeks to highlight the universal significance of the Holy Temple as a house of peace and prayer for all nations.
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