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Parshat Vayeira – וירא
The Three Angels Visiting Abraham
וַיִּשָּׂא עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא וְהִנֵּה שְׁלֹשָׁה אֲנָשִׁים נִצָּבִים עָלָיו
He looked around and saw – behold three angels
(in the form of men) standing in front of him. (Genesis 18:2)
The three Angels were sent to perform specific missions
according to their characteristics in the Divine Chariot,
as envisioned by my artist-wife Yael Avi-Yonah OBM.
Michael – מיכאל – the Angel of Chesed or Kindness
announced the future birth of Isaac
Gavriel – גבראל – the Angel of Gevura or Severity
was sent to destroy Sodom and Amorah
Raphael – רפאל the Angel of Healing
cured Abraham from the pain of the circumcison
and also to assist Lot and his family to flee
What is missing is the Fourth Angel of the Chariot,
namely Uriel – אוריאל – the Angel of Mercy
אוריאל = 248 = אברהם
Uriel has the same gematria as Abraham!
And we see the investment of this Angel
in Abraham’s pleading to avert the destruction
of the evil cities.
Lot as a Comedian
Lot tried to persuade his two scoffing sons-in-law
to flee with him to avert the impending destruction
but they looked upon him as a comedian. (Genesis 19:14)
A common “reality denial” of the wicked.
The Messianic Shofar
mixed materials on canvas 23″ x 37 1/2″ (60 x 95 cm)
The ram that was sacrificed
in place of Isaac was
a special creature designated
at the time of Creation.
From it was made one horn or shofar
that was heard at Mount Sinai.
The second horn will be heard
at the advent of the (Messiah) Moshiach.
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