Ronn Torossian

Peter Beinart and Jeremy Ben-Ami: Without patriotism

I was sickened (and very much disagree) with The Jerusalem Post naming Peter Beinart and Jeremy Ben-Ami to the list of Most Influential Jews in the world – and felt it necessary to revisit history, as history often repeats itself.

Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin wrote a public letter some years ago to American Jews who publicly criticized him:

Jews have the right to criticize the government of Israel in which I serve as Prime Minister — at any given moment, any second, any hour, day or night. But I, too, have the right to ask of them to understand one thing at least: on matters which relate to the national security of this little nation in Eretz Yisrael, please refrain from preferring advice, at least in public, within earshot of our enemies who conspire to do us evil. Remember, please, the simple fact that we care for our children and grandchildren — and they, these little children, live here.

Netanyahu today could say the same thing to these fools who advocate a boycott of the Jewish state, as Begin wrote:

I permit myself to express astonishment why a man like you has to organize American Jews in order to publish a statement which lends–not, God forbid, intentionally — comfort to those who gleefully declared: look, the Jews of American are turning their backs on Israel. Do you, with your intelligence, not perceive that the whole purpose is to squeeze us into a thin strip of territory? What else has to be rendered in writing or orally to make you and your colleagues understand that we are fighting for our lives?

The most influential? I beg to differ and if that’s the case, heaven help us. The words of Ze’ev Jabotinsky in his 1908 essay called “Without Patriotism,” which he headed with a quote: “Have pity on me that I cannot love” are very fitting for these awful people who give solace and strength to the enemy.

One wonders what good these people can hope to accomplish. Over 100 years ago Jabotinsky wrote:

The bitter root of our shame and our suffering, is that we do not give our own people the full love of a patriot. It would be better if we did not love our people at all, if we were unconcerned as to whether it existed or had disappeared, rather than that we should love it halfway, which means to despise it.

If in need of influential American Jews, how about valiant Chabad Rabbis who keep Jews Jewish or Dr. Irving Moskowitz who has valiantly helped ensure Jerusalem remain undivided? That’s positive influence. Can’t Jeremy Ben-Ami and Peter Beinart “love” another country rather than the Jewish state? This PR Agency owner says their “love” and so-called influence is better directed elsewhere.


About the Author
Ronn Torossian is the Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer of 5WPR. Headquartered in New York City, the firm is one of the 25 largest independent public relations firms in the United States. 5WPR has been named “PR Agency of the Year” by the American Business Awards; and Ronn Torossian is the winner of the Silver Stevie Communications, Investor Relations, and PR Executive of the Year of the Year Award by the American Business Awards. Ronn’s book, “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations,” received rave reviews. He is a member of the prestigious Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and is an active board member of a number of non-profit organizations. Ronn Torossian is a frequently sought after communications expert, often appearing on FOX News, CNBC, Huffington Post, Time Magazine, and other major media outlets. He resides on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with his family. Email: Facebook: Ronn's Facebook Twitter: Ronn's Twitter Page