Yossi Lipsker

Please like…

Please like – if you stand with President Barack Obama in his war on terror.

Please like – if you sense a moment of truth here, and are willing to cheer on the President for doing the right thing, even if it comes at a political cost to you.

Please like – if after reading the news the last few days, you realize how careful we must be when we use words like “genocide” and “human rights.”

Please like – if you hate the horrors of war, but understand that while wishful thinking may bring us of peace of mind, it will not bring peace on earth.

Please like – if you are passionate about leaving a better world for your children and grandchildren.

Please like – if you think that a worldview of a govt, elected on a platform of benevolent interventionism (wether you agree with that or not is irrelevant to this question) – can’t possibly sustain the integrity of that worldview domestically unless the same mindset informs and flows into its foreign policies as well.

Please like – if you feel proud to be an American this weekend.

Please like – if you join me in praying for the safety of our American troops.

Please like- if you feel the hot rush of tears down your face that I’m feeling right now at the thought of the thousands of men women and children trapped on a barren mountaintop.

Please like – if you understand that for the Yazidis, this is a replay of the biblical story of the Israelites – trapped between the raging sea and the advancing chariots of pharaoh – 40,000 people face the same choice. Die of thirst in the bleak mountains or descend and be slaughtered by ISIS.

Please like – if you understand that we cannot look the other way – and once we embark down this path, there is no turning back.

Please like – if you feel like the world is desperate for the torch of liberty and justice for all, to begin shining back into the world.

Please like – if you believe as I do that we are all trapped on that mountain, the entire world is up there, shivering.

Please like – if you feel like a piece of all of us is dying up there today.

Please like – if you believe that as Jews we dare not remain silent.

Please like – if you wish like I do, that those people knew that there are people out there who give a damn, and that they are not alone.

Please like – if you feel like the only mountain that we must “lift our eyes up to” today is Mount Sinjar. Please like. Please Share.

Much love –

Rabbi Yossi

About the Author
Rabbi Yossi Lipsker is the co-founder and executive Director of Chabad of the North Shore and spiritual leader of the Chabad Community Shul. He can be reached at