Preparing for Death
The death of Yakov was a very emotional experience for his family. It is interesting that for the first time, the Torah precedes Yakov’s ultimate passing, by notifying Yosef that הנה אביך חולה, “Behold your father is sick.”
Our commentators tell us that Yakov was the first person after twenty-three generations after creation, that got sick. It is even written that people would sneeze and then die. This is why we say positive comments to one who sneezes, such as, “G-d bless you.” We do not want that sneeze to have fatal consequences.
Rav Avigdor Miller commented on this in one of his books. He wrote that the aging process was a gift from G-d to prepare the family for what would happen at 120.
It could also be viewed as a wake up call to the aging individual and to his family. We must cherish every moment we are able to spend with our loved ones. We must realize how valuable and fleeting, time is. And we must realize that the day of reckoning will come, and we better get our act together.
All of the stories mentioned in the Book of Bereishit, that we are now completing, carry with them so many important lessons on so many levels. It would be wise on our part, to learn these lessons well.