Dogan Akman

 President Trump’s equivocations

Of late, President Trump appears to be backtracking on his peace plan and more specifically on the  timing and of the conditions precedent for  Israel’s  to declare  declaration  her sovereignty  over  a portion of the West Bank.

Is he going back on his word? Yes and no. I think this is his art of deal-making.

I posit that his  price for returning to his original position on Annexation is for Israel to disengage from her business dealings with China; particularly with respect to China’s involvement in the building infra-structures in Israel’s Mediterranean coast which the President, I believe rightfully, considers to be a security threat to its fleet and beyond.

All of which places Israel between a rock and a hard place. Alas!

About the Author
Doğan Akman immigrated to Canada with his family. In Canada, he taught university in sociology-criminology and social welfare policy and published articles in criminology journals After a stint as a Judge of the Provincial Court (criminal and family divisions) of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, he joined the Federal Department of Justice as a Crown prosecutor, and then moved over to the to civil litigation branch . Since his retirement he has published articles in Sephardic Horizons and e-Sefarad and in an anthology edited by Rifat Bali titled "This is My New Homeland" published in Istanbul.
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