David Lemmer

Quest for Meaning and Renewal

Hope From the Ashes - XAI
Hope From the Ashes - XAI

So much has already happened over the first two weeks of this year. First the terror in New Orleans and subsequently in Vegas, then we have the fires ravaging Los Angeles, Trump was sentenced with an ‘Unconditional Discharge,’ and only God knows what else lies ahead until the 20th. On the other hand, the prosecutors of Trump’s case have resigned, Hamas has its last standing scum desperately negotiating that they remain in power, the woke mind virus is on its last breath, and only God knows what comes next. 

The axis of the world is on a cycle, from McCarthy and the communists that started since WWI up until Reagan, Liberal Feminism that took over the American political system that influenced her education, entertainment and security institutions who veered so far left that they distorted undeniable facts of gender. It is no wonder that this is their playbook, after all, they wanted to normalize darkness, and if darkness is the new light than Islam is the new face of compassion. “There is nothing new under the sun,” said Solomon the wise, “Fear God and His commandments do heed, for this is all man has on earth.”

This history leads us straight to introspection; Why was the world created and what are we doing in it? It is unconscionable for man to look at the sun and the moon and say there is no God, what other explanation can there be to such phenomena. Who created warm blooded animals, and Who orchestrated history to reach this current moment? And of course, what is my role as an individual human among over 8 billion worldwide? We see a man like Trump and understand how his life brought him to this moment. Did we have the foresight he had as he announced his bid for presidency? Did he even know how much dirt he will uncover, or did he ever imagine his role so drastically altering the course of history? It seems like the answer is no to both. But what we do understand for a fact is that this moment warranted such a man and that his destiny led him in this direction.

We may have many questions about our role in the play, we may wonder what significance our talents have in the grand scheme of things, but even if we are a tree on the stage we are all completing the image of this breathtaking scene unfolding. Like many others, some of us feel like we’re wasting our time and wish for recognition in order to reach greatness, it is as if we know deep down that we have a calling that is heard just by us and it is up to us to bring it into reality. It seems like we know intrinsically that there is something big waiting for us on the other end and we’re just waiting for that moment that will change the current reality and for it to move us in that direction. 

But there is something we must know, and the earlier we know it the better life becomes, that since the moment of our birth we’ve been steadily moving in that direction. As much as we feel that we are in constant control of our every move, we know that we have had countless moments where we said the wrong thing to our spouses, where we hit the gas instead of the brakes and so on, that when we look back at our life, the most significant things that shaped us into who we are actually came about by ‘accident.’ Did we know what we were getting ourselves into when we placed that ring on the finger, or when we saw the positive test that morning? Did we have a clue what life has in store for us when we were just clerking in a back office for a number of years? It is our experiences that provided us with the knowledge and experience that ultimately made us the person we are today.

All of this is the true light that guides us. We don’t need anyone to redefine the definition of light so that we should be able to appreciate its shine, and as we acknowledge the path we’ve walked we see how the collective experience of life resulted in this feeling of today. The same is with the life of the universe, it is one long story from creation to the present, and from then to the end. The knowledge history has taught us is a slow progression towards the light of God, and as we grow we learn that the path of least resistance will bring about the future we all wish for. If you were sucked into the left or if you remained steadfast with the values taught to you by your parents, if you learnt your lesson through your own mistakes or by the mistakes of others, we all come out stronger as we grow up from whining teenagers to mature and competent adults.

So why was the world created? It seems that with our instinctive and commonsensical programming that we have a task to do in it. But why didn’t God just do it all on His own, why leave it to us mortal humans who take two steps forward and three back? It seems counter-intuitive to our thinking; aren’t we reaching for a certain goal, the goal of perfection? It leads me to the conclusion that much like our personal perfection comes about after a lifetime of trials and tribulations, so too will the perfection of the world come about through the hard work we all put in throughout the generations. We may not live to see it, but I bet that if you teach your kids and them theirs, they’ll be grateful that they had the foresight to live accordingly all those years.

As much as we get dragged into the news cycle, we always have to remember to take a step back and observe the world as the game that it is. We are programmed to seek out blame so that we can rationalize everything, and justice served is one of the pillars of a functional society, but after all is said and done, it is God’s will playing out before our eyes. The most significant events, be it massacres, disasters, election interference, or on the bright side, unity and peace, all that occured/s in the world and all that will occur is completely out of our control. So what is our job? Well, if it were just for you to be a tree in a William Shakespeare’s play, the story would be incomplete. 

We won’t all have major roles to play on the world stage, but our good influence on our families will go far beyond our lifetimes. The values we instill and the knowledge of our experiences will guide the next toddlers to grow. Our happiness will expand with all we come in contact with and our smile will change the life of a stranger. Even with every step backward, no matter how hard these evil forces try to take over control, will give birth to a new generation of pioneers who will question all ‘norms’ until they find the truth. Nowadays, with all the accessible scripture, writings, arts and history we are so close to reaching that destination. It would be a shame if we were to give up when all we know is that all we need to do is smile today for the happiness of tomorrow. God has shown Himself with the sun and the moon for many thousands of years now, He has shown the world proof of a free society free from the grips of tyranny, and He is this close to revealing His majesty once and for all. God, please bless Israel, the true light upon all nations. 


David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Writer and Hypnotherapist, he can be reached at LemmerHypno@gmail.com  

About the Author
David Lemmer, is a hypnotherapist based out of Lakewood NJ. He has a couple of books relating to hypnotherapy of a journey through the body and soul of the person to discover their inner meaning. Another book with a beautiful poetic translation of all of Tehillim.