Gary Epstein
And now for something completely different . . .

Questions. So Many Questions

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Boogie Yaalon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF and Minister of Defense, thinks (and, remarkably, announced to the world) that Israel is engaging in ethnic cleansing and genocide.  Moshe Lador, the former Israeli state prosecutor, has suggested that volunteer fighter pilots not report for duty, because . . . who in good conscience could fight for a government like ours against murderous jihadists who want to destroy the State of Israel and annihilate its people?  Feeling oppressed once again by tyrannical judges, Yariv Levin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, wants to remove the AG and restart judicial reform; opponents promise blood in the streets.  The former Chief Rabbi declared that even those charedim who are not studying in yeshiva should evade the draft, because . . . who the hell knows?  Yair Lapid insists that all the actions taken by Israel in Syria have been necessary and correct, but that Israel is acting with complete irresponsibility on the political front in response to a Turkish-supported jihadist takeover in Syria by explaining the rationale for its actions.

I guess that we must have won the war.  Everything is back to normal.  Mazal tov.

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Is anyone surprised that the same politicians and enlightened academics who cheered the savage, primitive behavior of Hamas on October 7 welcomed the murder in cold blood of a healthcare executive and made the alleged perpetrator a hero?

At least they are consistent.

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The great Irish poet, William Butler Yeats, described Ireland as follows:  “Great hatred; little room.”  Ireland has produced great literature and many bad jokes.  What is Irish and stays out in the rain?  Paddy O’Furniture.   What is the name of the Irishman who bounces off walls?  Rick O’Shea.  Then there are a bunch of drinking jokes, nun jokes, and sheep jokes. Finally, the one about the two Irish lads in council uniforms walking up and down the street with one digging a hole and his companion following him and filling up the hole.  This goes on for hours, until a visitor stops them and asks why they are engaging in what appears to be a purposeless task.  Answers the Irish lad, “Well, we’re usually a three-person team, but Seamus, who plants the trees, drank too much last night and didn’t show up for work today.”

Which brings us to Deputy Premier Micheal Martin, who announced that Ireland will be legally intervening in South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Why? “Ireland will be asking the ICJ to broaden its interpretation of what constitutes the commission of genocide by a State.”

Translation for the non-Irish:  by any legitimate existing definition of the word “genocide,” Israel is not guilty, because Israel is not committing genocide according to any reasonable interpretation of the law.  So, like Amnesty International, Ireland seeks to change the definition to one that will make Israel guilty. If Israel is not guilty of the crime, keep revising the definition until you find something–anything–of which Israel is guilty.  And why Deputy Premier Martin?  Because the politician with a brain didn’t show up for work.

Great hatred; little room.

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In opportunistic lightning strikes that demonstrated superior intelligence, readiness, and skill, Israel destroyed 90% of Syria’s store of armaments and aircraft, obliterated its air defense systems, and took temporary possession of critical Syrian posts in the Golan.  The lead story on Israeli TV news that night was Prime Minister Netanyahu’s appearance in court on charges that he, 7 or 8 years ago, improperly tried to influence news reports and received cigars and champagne as gifts.

We may be the eternal people, with an eternally amazing military, and a proud history, but . . . really?

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Joe Biden.  Kamala Harris.  Merrick Garland.  Alejandro Mayorkas.  Jake Sullivan.  Antony Blinken.  Has there ever been a less capable bunch of people running the United States of America?  Could anyone but Donald Trump have gotten them elected in 2020?  Could anyone but them have gotten Donald Trump elected in 2024? (Hillary Clinton excepted.)

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After repeatedly promising that he wouldn’t do so, President Biden pardoned his drug-addled, tax-evading reprobate son, Hunter.  Then, a few days later, he pardoned 1500 other people, thus trying to demonstrate that the pardon of his son was just a fortuitous coincidence, as will be the pardons of the rest of his immediate family in a few days .  As Chris Rock said, Joe doesn’t talk or walk or remember or think very well any more, but his middle finger still works.

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Elizabeth Warren, the famous .0019% Native American Senator, was asked about the cold-blooded murder of the CEO of a healthcare company by (allegedly) a rich white kid who may have been upset about a painful back and the failing healthcare system. She responded, “The visceral response from people across the country who feel cheated, ripped off, and threatened by the vile practices of their insurance companies should be a warning to everyone in the healthcare system.” She added, “Violence is never the answer, but people can only be pushed so far.”

Remember when she and Kamala Harris participated in the debate for aspirants to the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, and everyone thought that Kamala was the least qualified?  Then everyone thought that the dimmest nominee might have been Pete, or Cory, or Bernie, or even Joe.

Would everyone like to reconsider?

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Bashar Assad, who numbers among the world’s 15 most-disliked ophthalmologists, sought asylum in the land of his erstwhile protector, Putin.  Putin has put him to work administering drops in the eyes of his political prisoners, who then sit for 3-5 hours waiting to be interviewed by the KGB.  They are, by then, eager to confess.

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President Trump has garnered criticism for a few seemingly outlandish cabinet appointments, among them Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as head of Health and Human Services, and Kristi Noem as head of Homeland Security.  RFK, Jr. appears to be opposed to vaccination, fluoridation, “climate deniers” (whom he thinks should be incarcerated or executed), and fracking. Kristi was Governor of South Dakota, with no apparent experience in national security matters, though she did send her National Guard to the southern border to help.  

Critics are once again underestimating Trump.  He prizes loyalty (at least in one direction, if not reciprocally) and, as a businessman, he lives up to the deals he makes.  He obviously made commitments to these folks in exchange for support. But not to worry.  If the Senate, exercising its Constitutional advice and consent function, fails to torpedo these nominations, Trump will undoubtedly devise roles for the nominees that will not impair the effectiveness of his administration.

For example, Kennedy’s first assignment might be healthcare for illegal or undocumented aliens.  If his idiosyncratic ideas don’t kill them first, people will self-deport upon hearing the news.  Problem solved.

And Kristi could explore the possibility of using guard dogs to enhance security at military installations and airports.  If that doesn’t work out, the dogs will have to go, but who better to reduce canine overpopulation?  Problem solved.

As to Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence, that one is admittedly tough. Tulsi appears to have been a fan of Bashar Assad (claiming that Syrian chemical attacks were possibly staged by opposition forces), criticized Trump’s policies as “lopsided in favoring the interests of Israel,” and is accused by Democrats of being a Russian asset.  Interesting choice.  There appears to be only one possible explanation.  My sources tell me that, for Christmas (Chanukah in the case of the Kushners), each Trump family member was allowed to choose one appointee.  Don, Jr. chose J.D. Vance (and to send Kimberly Guilfoyle to Greece), Ivanka and Jared chose Mike Huckabee, and Tiffany chose her father-in-law, Massad Boulos.  Apparently, Barron liked Tulsi.

Family is family.

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Flash:  This just in.  A Hamas official told a Saudi news outlet that a ceasefire and “prisoner-swap” deal is closer than ever, claiming that the main obstacle [sic] is Israel and Netanyahu.  Hamas wants to release fewer hostages than Israel is demanding, and for some reason, Israel will not compromise on this issue.  

Consider the effrontery.  These people engaged in brutal, savage, uncivilized acts of terror; murdered, raped, and kidnaped; stole humanitarian aid directed at their people; hid in tunnels while endangering civilians; brought about the death of tens of thousands of Arabs and the displacement of millions; occasioned the physical destruction of Gaza; set in motion a sequence of events that resulted in the decapitation of Hezbollah leadership and the effective ruination of Hezbollah as a fighting force; exposed the weakness of Iran and destroyed its image as a protector of its proxy armies; facilitated the overthrow of Bashar Assad and his ruthless regime.

They started a war.  And they lost it in every way and by any measure that a war can be lost.

And they still want to salvage some legitimacy by shifting blame to Israel and Netanyahu.  No responsible party should even be engaging with them.  They have forfeited all claims to courtesy and consideration.  The only thing that should be communicated to them are demands to free the hostages and surrender unconditionally.  They should not be allowed even the slightest possibility of snatching a shred of dignity or victory from the jaws of defeat.

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Benny Gantz–you know, the head of the National UNITY Party–claimed that “Sinwar chose to attack Israel because of the anti-government protests” over judicial reform.  I am not certain whether this lays the blame at the feet of the protestors or the proponents of judicial reform, and I understand that he is saying that in order to express his opposition to the renewal of judicial reform.  But . . . do politicians ever think before they talk?  Would Sinwar have given up his deranged agenda if only Israelis could have reached a harmonious compromise on its judicial system?  There are really good arguments for letting some contentious internal issues cool down.  And there may be good arguments for trying to address a broken system.  But are there any arguments for saying silly things?

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One of the great overlooked features of the festive holiday Chanukah is that it involved a war between traditionalist Jews and Hellenist Jews.  The latter allied themselves with Antiochus and desired to become less Jewish and more Greek.  There were always acculturated Jews fighting against the Maccabees in this civil war.  The Hasmonean Maccabees won.

I do not intend to give a history lesson.  I just wonder whose side J Street would be on and, given the obvious answer, whether J Street celebrates Chanukah, and if so, why?

And, irrespective of the answer, a Happy Chanukah to all, no matter what street or side of the street you choose.

About the Author
Gary Epstein is a retired teacher and lawyer residing in Modi'in, Israel. He was formerly the Head of the Global Corporate and Securities Department of Greenberg Traurig, an international law firm with an office in Tel Aviv, which he founded and of which he was the first Managing Partner. He and his wife Ahuva are blessed with 18 grandchildren, ka"h, all of whom he believes are well above average. [Update: . . . and, ka"h, one great-grandchild.] He currently does nothing. He believes he does it well.