David Lemmer

Ratings and Values

The Layers of the Higher Realm - XAI
The Layers of the Higher Realm - XAI (As if it knows, haha!)

The idea of ratings has been a fascinating thought for me. As humans we have an opinion that adds value to things. My opinion about my Great Grandmother’s wedding ring adds value to it, true, some might not desire it as much due to that fact, but the value of it comes from the opinion I have about it. 

The reason we make anything in the world is so that we or others can help ourselves with the product. One will write their understandings or inner narratives so that others can find something of interest within their words, while the carpenter will build closets and tables for the sake of the comfort of others.

On the other hand, there is a big role to play as consumers as well. We value good work and craftsmanship, since we always wish to live at peace. Our desire for comfort and peace will always be the motivation of man. So when consuming a product, they will value and rate it based on how much closer it brings them to that place of peace.

Each person will have other interests and tendencies of course, which in turn, creates communities of like minded individuals. Which explains why most people driving a Prius will be similar in more than one way. Each group of people will stick to being consumers of those particular products. Cat ladies will be attracted to cat stuff.

And then we have things that we can all agree on, like how food is a necessity for life. Which raises the value of food tremendously over a Lego set. But still will be rationed for other things of great value like paying for living expenses. We have different levels of values, and as it gets closer to life, the more unanimous the verdict of its value grows. 

A little boy will put value into his action figures, an older one will find value in study and good behavior, and another will find value in the pursuit of knowledge. Adults too have values, some find value in a nice wife and car, some place their interest in professional success, and others pursue their love in the arts and sciences. All those values are on the outer layer of man.

As we go closer to the inner layer, we all start forming a unity of agreement. As the layers come in, the people become more intimate and the connection of this cause creates a consensus. For example, the sanctity of human life, the value of eating and living healthy, the value of living without financial burdens, and of course, the value being alive.

As we said, we seek out ways to live better. We create and we consume so that we can spend our time in value and receive value in return for the little we pitch in. We would all wish to live with the greatest love possible, which means to my small imagination, being fixated like a groom on his bride, completely surrendered like when seeing the face of your son at his birth, being heard by your father’s ear and held in your mothers arm. 

All these combined do not come close to the levels of love we would so wish to have. But what thing in the world will be able to give us such a level of love? Which thing has such value that I would opt to trade anything in the world with it, even if it were the food I need to survive? What is in the inner layer? Beyond the outer layer of individual values, beyond the third layer which there is more consensus like tables and chairs. Beyond the second layer of food and the sanctity of life which is common sense that we all agree on, there is another layer that there won’t be a doubt of its value.

What is that one product that would give people the courage to give up life for it? On one hand the extremity of the Nazis and Hamas, they chose religion to kill others. While on the other we have the Jews who have systematically been killed for their belief for thousands of years without fail. The belief in one God is where these two forces come together and fight their toughest battles. On one side the darkest killings, while simultaneously, the most beautiful thing of people dying for the cause of their belief.

You would expect to see everyone condemning these monsters, but somehow their opinion is so wrong. It seems clear that since all humans are capable of uniting values, at this point there must be a spiritual force or higher power pushing their decisions and rhetoric. How can people who would search for food when starving, advocate for death and destruction. It needs an army of brainwashing experts who diligently work tirelessly to bring about that change in the world.

Why would people do this? How far have two brothers, sons of one father, drifted apart? What is the purpose of it all and what value does my consciousness add to the happening around me? And once we reach the singular value we only go up. This is the door to escaping the kingdom of time, think about God and you will cut through all the clouds and noise.

Since He is the value above all values we will sacrifice ourselves for his name. He is the one that can give us that eternal love. All the love that all mankind has accumulated throughout all of time is nothing, compared to that blitz and shock we feel when we are with Him.

So ratings, favorability, values. The opinion of man speaks volumes about their inner beliefs. Many don’t realize that they give themselves away in seconds, because if they did they’d never say what they say now. If you value life and beyond life itself, if you too wish to get to a dimension where our complete essence is one and at peace, your opinions will be cherished and your favorability will carry weight.

It is the beliefs of man that forms their personality. With true inner peace there is no way one can fight over a parking spot, let alone to say a bad word about another, but they will use their energy and might to carry out justice for the wronged. Choosing God does not mean choosing the life of submissiveness, it actually means choosing spiritual power of self control and finding purpose in the struggle.

We inherently value greatness, it runs through the veins of us all. Some of us are just not blessed to realize that. The gift of life is the only way we can upgrade our soul’s value, by upgrading our values to God.    


David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Writer and Hypnotherapist. He can be reached at LemmerHypno@gmail.com

About the Author
David Lemmer, is a hypnotherapist based out of Lakewood NJ. He has a couple of books relating to hypnotherapy of a journey through the body and soul of the person to discover their inner meaning. Another book with a beautiful poetic translation of all of Tehillim.