Victor Salkowitz

Revolution or Civil War–Israel Must Decide

On more than one occasion I have heard the bewilderment of Israelis in regards to “what to do with Gaza” after the war.  There is little question about its extremist elements. There is little chance of peace with folks bent on murder.  But there is also acknowledgement of many many Palestinians who can be bridged.

There is a lot of talk about the promise of Abbas, the moderate who can unify the Palestinians and work also with Israel in establishing that bridge.

Alternately there has been talk that Abbas’ has lost too much credibility with his people. It remains to be seen if his legitimacy can carry the day.

If Abbas can survive, fine.  But Israeli hopes should not rest on the survival of one person.

Israeli hopes should rest on a vision.

It must be a vision that can sear through the ambiguity and contradictions of its policies in recent years.  It must let the world know, in addition to the Palestinians, what it is up to.

What war are you fighting? If you are fighting for “quiet,” then you are fighting for the old status quo, containment, until the next round. But I heard this is not what you want.  You feel you deserve more.

For those who perceive this as a fight with Revolutionaries (terroristic though they may be), then you envision this fight leading ultimately to a Two State Solution.

If you feel you are fighting rebels in a Civil War, then you see yourselves as One State.

Make up your minds, please!

Naftali Bennett said, “the world is watching.”  He was referring to whether or not Israel would be seen as a country that could be pushed around. Fair enough.  You’re proving your in the drivers seat.

And your coming to a fork in the road.

Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to the fork in the road…take it.”

.And that’s what the world sees too. The half of you trying to turn one way, the other half the other. Somebody’s got to break the tie..

Perhaps a vote.  How many of you feel you are fighting Revolutionaries? How many of you feel you are fighting rebels?


About the Author
Victor Salkowitz is a retired Clinical Social Worker with over 30 years experience in prisons, child welfare, and adult mental health agencies. He received his B.A. in Psychology from UC Davis and an MSW from UC Berkeley, becoming licensed in 1991.