Robert F. Kennedy Jr: On Russia and nuclear wars
Robert F. Kennedy Jr gave a remarkable speech in New Hampshire, “Peace and Democracy”, on June 20, 2023, commemorating the anniversary of a famous speech given by his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, at the American University in 1963. That speech put RFK Jr at odds with the Democratic party establishment, forcing him in the end to abandon his bid to become the Democratic presidential candidate for the November 2024 elections in the US, and run instead as an Independent.
For the benefit of the public, I decided to transcribe in written RFK Jr’s speech in New Hampshire. I also included in the book – to enhance the historical perspective and understanding of the reader – the original Commencement Address that his uncle, president John F. Kennedy, gave at the American University in June 1963.
At the end of August 2024, RFK Jr suspended his presidential campaign. The stakes were too high, and – presented with a hard and grim choice between two flawed candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris – RFK Jr endorsed Donald Trump, the Republican party candidate.
If one wants to understand why RFK Jr endorsed Trump over Harris, one only has to read RFK Jr’s “Peace and Democracy” speech, or the Commencement Address given by his uncle, president John F. Kennedy. The foreign policy implemented by the Biden-Harris administration represents the epitome of the confrontational approach towards Russia, that the Kennedys so cautioned against, an approach that – in an era of nuclear weapons – endangers the very existence of the Human Race on this planet. Any worthy human endeavor becomes meaningless if the Earth becomes a desolate and unhabitable place as a result of a nuclear Armageddon.
And, as explained by the Kennedys, this war mentality against real or perceived enemies abroad, breeds a war mentality at home.
But I do not want to get ahead: You have now the Kennedys’ speeches available in paperback, eBook (Kindle) and a free downloadable pdf format.
The above is the Preface of my new book, titled Robert F. Kennedy Jr: On Russia and nuclear wars”. The free downloadable version (pdf) is available at:
The paperback and eBook editions are available at Amazon.