Michel M.J. Shore

Selichot- To Return To Restore To Become More

Selichot- To Return To Restore To Become More

To be reborn is to begin anew.

What a chance! What an opportunity!

What were our dreams, hopes, aspirations ?

What can we still become within ourselves?


G-d breathed eternal life into our souls

Uniting the L-rd’s divine presence with us.

Elokai, neshama, shenatata bee, tehora hee.

Lord, the soul, you have given me, it is pure.


The door to enter our inner stillness

Is opened by our conscious decision

To listen to that inner voice by choice.

All is changed when we restore to become more.


Then, we become what we were meant to be.

Thus, to envision G-d’s plan for each me.

About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.
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