Zahava Englard

Somebody has to say it.

I have a few issues that I believe must be addressed by the new or not so new government coming into power at the end of the month. No, it’s not about security, Iran, annexation of Judea and Samaria or the Muslim Brotherhood.

It’s about Tampons.

Has anyone ever wondered why tampons are taxed to the hilt? Is it considered a luxury item? Why is the cost of one box of tampons NIS 36, the equivalent to $10? No small sum for a family with several females. Shouldn’t it be part of the health basket? They are needed, after all, for a somewhat chronic condition that is only alleviated by pregnancy. But, entering into a state of pregnancy for approximately 40 years is not a viable solution for most women as well as being a treatment regimen not recommended for 12-year-old girls to embark on.

Next issue on the plate in light of the centimeter of snow that Gush Etzion received resulting in the closing of the road to Jerusalem is radial tires. Has anyone wondered why quality all-season tires are so expensive to the point that no one has them? Frankly, has anyone wondered why regular poor quality tires are so expensive?

When one considers the cost of shutting down parts of the country for even two days, wouldn’t it make sense to decrease the tax on all-season tires? On the other hand, as I understand, today’s inclement weather proved to be a positive case for co-existence as Arabs and Jews could be seen helping each other pushing their cars off the road on Highway #60 after the snow climbed to a whopping centimeter and a half. So, perhaps I’m jumping the gun on this one.

Finally, the bagruyot – the matriculation exams that every Israeli 10th, 11th and 12th grader must take. Is it really too challenging a task to schedule all the tests during the course of the school year? Why must high school students disrupt their summer plans in order to return to their schools in July for these exams?

With the requisite time for study and traveling back to school, such scheduling makes it nearly impossible for pre-army teenagers to find summer jobs. Many of these teens rely heavily on this money to get them through the army years as well as saving up for the traditional post army travel before continuing to University.

Being that there are few sleep-away summer camps in Israel due to the prohibitive cost, many Israeli teenagers try to acquire jobs in sleep-away camps in the States. However, with July designated for matriculation exams, it makes the acquisition of jobs for these teens quite challenging. Certainly, there must be one administrative genius in any given government who can figure out a way to have the last bagrut of the year scheduled by the end of June.

One may think that these issues are minute in the grand scheme of things, but addressing them would have positive ramifications on the quality of life in Israel. Sometimes, it’s the small stuff that becomes the big stuff in the day to day. So, while I’m at it, why does the Ministry of Health refuse to categorize lice as a contagious condition that would make it mandatory for a child to stay home from school until it is under control and non transmissible?

Sometimes, you gotta sweat the small stuff.

Just saying…

About the Author
Author of THE GILBOA IRIS (Gefen Publishing House) and SETTLING FOR MORE: FROM JERSEY TO JUDEA (Urim Publications).