Farid Ghadry

Syria Today, Iran Tomorrow

The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia delivered a scathing statement, on November 19, shaming the world’s inattentiveness to the human tragedy unfolding in Syria. The speech has not yet been translated to English, but here are some of the highlights.

The Kingdom’s Ambassador to the UN, Abdallah Y. Al-Moallimi, referring to UNOCHA’s own collected statistics, said that up to 140,000 casualties have been recorded so far, mostly civilians, the real number of refugee (Between internally misplaced and escapees to neighboring countries) exceeds 9 million Syrians (That’s over 40% of the population), and that half the population, about 11.5 million, is in dire need for humanitarian aid that has been mostly missing (The UN has been delivering food supplies to Assad who has diverted it to his troops). He further referred to the new diseases the Syrian civil war is spreading, like Polio, which has been on a steep decline worldwide thanks to the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

At one point during the speech, Ambassador Al-Moallimi said the following and I am quoting from his speech:

“.. and I say to you honestly, we [Saudi Arabia] may have our own shortcomings and commit our share of mistakes, but we do not bomb our cities using military jets and tanks and we do not kill our young men by the thousands or exterminate our own children with poisonous gas, and I invite my colleague [the Syrian Ambassador to the UN], with much love and respect, to feel the shame of covering up the Genocide of his Government; and although some [amongst the UN Missions] may seek to balance the blame and the condemnations in the Resolution, how could one find such balance between a killer and the killed?”

The Ambassador, towards the end of the statement, makes the case that many of us hear when it comes to Iran:

“To vote against a strong UN Resolution [to vote against strong sanctions with regard to Iran] would encourage the Assad regime to continue his campaign of collective terror against his people [would encourage Iran to continue its nuclear program]“

The difference is that Syrians seek to curb the Assad Genocide when the world seeks, under the same difference, to curb the Iranian nuclear program. Are the two not connected? Giving the Iranian nuclear program a humanitarian angle we see unravel in Syria makes for a stronger case against Iran’s future possibilities to duplicate, across the whole region, what Assad is doing to his own people.

In fact, I submit to you that if we do not tie today’s Syrian human tragedy to tomorrow’s Iranian nuclear program, the policy makers will not be able to connect the dots to understand the future danger of Iran. What we are witnessing in Syria today, we will witness in the whole region, maybe beyond, if the Iranian regime is not deposed.

The more we ignore Assad and negotiate an appeasement with Iran, the more Sunni and Shia extremists will multiply and flood Syria. We are not talking about a constant universe of Islamists, rather the civil war is turning more Sunni and Shia Muslims into violent extremist men from a universe of 1.3 Billion Muslims. It’s an endless pit of supply on both sides, something many in the Obama Administration either fail to understand or turn a blind eye to this danger out of political convenience in the pursuit of a sinister Middle East agenda.

Once upon the time, I believed a society behaving badly or one that is burdened with a wrong ideological attitude was enough to cause my pen to shake with indignation.  Now, after watching what the Axis of Evil is capable of, women not being able to drive in Saudi Arabia is the least of my concerns as I watch pregnant Syrian women dodge sniper bullets as they rummage for food, like rats, to feed their unborn babies only to die as target practice so that Assad and his clique rule Syria.

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