Kenneth Cohen

Teach Your Children and Receive Reward

According to tradition, there is a connection between the usage of the word, “למען”, in two different places in the Torah, even though they are found in different contexts.

The word למען, means, “in order that.” In the Book of Devarim, Chapter 11, we are told that the various commandments be observed, “in order that” you will have אריכות ימים, length of days, in the Land of Israel.

In Parshat Bo, Moshe tells the people that the signs and wonders of Egypt were placed there, “in order that” you speak of them to your children and grandchildren.

There is now an understanding that the word, “למען” is connected with length of days. The meaning would be as follows: Just like length of days will be given to the Jewish people for following the Mitzvot, there will also be length of days to the one who is careful to educate his children and grandchildren about the exodus from Egypt.

This appears to be a subtle secret to longevity. If every parent and grandparent sees Jewish education as a priority in raising their offspring, they will be granted long life.

It is terrible when people need to search for a reason for living. Simply prioritizing the teaching of Judaism and its values, is a great reason for living.

The younger generations are confronted with too many choices. It is very easy to go astray in today’s world. They need the input of those that love them the most, to teach them right from wrong, and to make them proud of their heritage. And despite the importance in itself of such a pursuit, we are even rewarded with long life. You can’t beat a deal like this!

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at