Temple Mount Awareness today
International Temple Mount Awareness Day takes place each year during the week of Rosh Chodesh Nisan — the New Month of Nisan. The Month of Nisan is:
The anniversary of the dedication of the Tabernacle in the wilderness.
The first day of the Divine service.
The day on which fire descended from Heaven onto the altar, and the first day in which the Shechina, the Divine Presence, rested in the Tabernacle.
Nisan is the month of redemption, the month in which our forefathers were redeemed from Egyptian bondage. But the month is called so not only because of the upcoming Festival of Passover and our ancestors’ passage from slavery to freedom. Tradition teaches that in the future, as well, the great and final redemption will take place in Nisan.
INTERNATIONAL TEMPLE MOUNT AWARENESS DAY seeks to celebrate the promise of the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the revolution in Temple consciousness that is taking place in Israel. The event also draws attention to the situation on the Temple Mount, the holiest place on earth, where non-Moslems are not permitted to pray, and where a campaign is being waged daily to destroy all existing remnants of the Holy Temple, and to deny that the Holy Temple ever existed.
THE FIFTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TEMPLE MOUNT AWARENESS DAY will be both entertaining and informative. It is a unique opportunity to connect you with the Holy Temple, as we meet with people who have dedicated their lives to the Holy Temple and the Temple Mount, and to rediscovering and revitalizing the disciplines, practices and knowledge that are part and parcel of the Temple experience and the wonder of the Divine service.
This year’s all star line-up will include:
GABRIEL BARKAY IS ONE OF ISRAEL’S SENIOR ARCHAEOLOGISTS, and currently an external lecturer at Bar Ilan University. In 2005, together with archaeologist Zachi Zweig, Barkay established the Temple Mount Sifting Project, dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of earth illegally removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during 1996–2001. Prof. Barkay is also a member of the Committee for the Prevention of the Destruction of Antiquities. He is one of Israel’s foremost experts on the archaeology and history of the Temple Mount.
ZVIA SAVIR IS A MEMBER OF WOMEN FOR THE HOLY TEMPLE & THE TEMPLE MOUNT, an organization of Torah-observant women which encourages and organizes women and children to ascend the Temple Mount in accordance with Jewish law. In addition, the Women for the Holy Temple conducts seminars and workshops throughout Israel, teaching about the Holy Temple with an emphasis on the historical and spiritual role of women in the Holy Temple and in the struggle and preparation for its rebuilding, and the renewal of the Divine service
YALE AND HARVARD-TRAINED PROFESSOR JEFFREY WOOLF IS A SENIOR LECTURER AT BAR ILAN UNIVERSITY. Among his fields of expertise is the history of the unbroken Jewish connection to the Temple Mount throughout 2000 years of exile.
ONE YEAR INTO HIS FIRST TERM AS KNESSET MEMBER, KNESSET DEPUTY SPEAKER MOSHE FEIGLIN is shaking up the Israel establishment and the entire Muslim Middle East with his steadfast and principled insistence on Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount.
AMERICAN IMMIGRANT ARYEH SONENBERG IS A TEMPLE MOUNT ACTIVIST WHO HAS PLACED HIMSELF ON THE FRONT LINE in the struggle for the Jewish right of freedom of access and prayer on the Temple Mount. At great personal sacrifice, Aryeh has taken an uncompromising stand for justice.
ARNON SEGAL IS THE EDITOR AND WRITER OF DAF HABAYIT – THE HOLY TEMPLE PAGE – a weekly feature which appears each Friday in the first section of Makor Rishon, one of Israel’s most respected Hebrew language newspapers. This weekly feature includes current news of the Temple Mount, research, and history, and reports regularly on current efforts on behalf of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount and toward the building of the Holy Temple. Arnon has helped to place the Temple Mount and the Holy Temple back into the national consciousness and dialogue. His work has influenced other journalists to take note and begin reporting on the Temple Mount, creating a revolution in Israeli consciousness. Arnon’s work is an important parallel to the Temple Institute’s successful efforts to place the Temple Mount and the Holy Temple on the “agenda” of major international print and electronic media throughout the world.
YITZCHOK MEIR MALEK IS A YOUNG SINGER-SONGWRITER who captures the spirit of our generation’s quest for unity and the rebuilding of the Temple. Yitzchok is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Jewish Unity Project, whose stated goal is to “unify the diverse Nation of Israel through interactive concerts with the goal of rebuilding the House of Prayer for all Nations.”
“Through interactive concerts, the Jewish Unity Project brings together tens of thousands of IDF soldiers, busloads of Taglit birthrighters and has toured over a dozen schools abroad.”
In addition to:
A BEAUTIFUL GLIMPSE INTO THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE™S NEWLY OPENED HOLY TEMPLE VISITORS CENTER in Jerusalem, opened to the public a little less than one year ago. Already 70,000 guests from all over the world have been inspired and amazed!