John Cronin

The complete idiot’s guide to Mideast peace – part 127

Over a week into search, IDF presses op against Hamas | The Times of Israel   Eight days after kidnapping of 3 teens in West Bank, army makes 25 arrests, strikes Gaza targets; former Shin Bet head: Operation could take a long time

With so much furious activity and huge amounts of men, material and mental effort being dedicated to the task of finding these three missing Yeshiva students, it might be thought somewhat unkind to comment adversely upon such a worthy endeavour.

Yet, from a certain standpoint, the operation does register as one of the most inefficient uses of resources and manpower seen in recent times. Eight days into the search and the outcome is still in doubt; the safe retrieval of these boys has not been accomplished and there is now much talk of the matter taking far longer than first expected.

Indeed, the whole Palestinian-Israeli power struggle also exhibits a similar lack of closure, the time committed so far to its resolution now well into its seventh decade. Even from within so vast a span of years, prospects for the conflict ending well have never looked all that promising. And this latest incident, one small piece of an ever-changing mosaic involving many millions, serves only to accentuate the difficulties involved and to compound the problem even further.

There just has to be a more effective way of going about this type of business. 66 years is far too long for such matters to be left without some definite chance of setting them straight once and for all. – ‘ for those of us with better things to do.’

Even the darkest of clouds may have a silver lining. A thought to bear in mind whenever it’s stormy weather and there’s a hard rain falling.



About the Author
Engineer, Virgo - now retired having worked 30 years in the field of medical diagnostic imaging for a major German multinational. Based in UK .