The complete idiot’s guide to Mideast peace – part 192
Protesters in Tel Aviv call for ‘end to war’ | The Times of Israel ‘Thousands gather at Rabin Square to call for return to dialog, as hundreds of right-wingers hold counter-protest’
Is an end to this war even possible? Can a return to dialogue ever again become a feasible reality?
Present circumstances and past experience would indicate that any take-up in peace negotiations is now a non-starter or, to be wildly optimistic, a forlorn hope, standing so little chance of realisation that it might as well not bother being born.
And yet ‘hope springs eternal in the human breast,’ a measure of that part of us which will not give in to doom and gloom-laden scenarios from which there can be neither escape nor rescue.
But to escape or be rescued from this Israeli-Palestinian conflict has never been done, not in all of the past 66 years. What prospects then for such an accomplishment under the even more difficult conditions that exist today? What options remain in so severely depleted a collection? – ‘ for those of us with better things to do.’