John Cronin

The complete idiot’s guide to Mideast peace – part 239

Abbas expected in Cairo as ceasefire talks falter ahead of deadline | The Times of Israel ‘Hamas says Jerusalem has returned to ‘square one’ as Israel braces for rockets Monday evening; Cairo proposal defers discussion of thorny issues; IDF could have conquered Gaza in days, says ex-NSC official’

This does not augur well for the next few days. Even the rest of the year might be seen as severely compromised by the outcome here.

But is there no back-up plan in place? Hasn’t provision for a fail-safe scenario been implemented? Where is the fall-back position in all this?

What? There isn’t one. Really?  Nothing, zip, zero. nada, nowt?

Does this mean that conditions will be going from DEFCON 1 or 2 right up to DEFCON 4 again and all this is about to happen within the span of the next few hours?

Let’s face it, guys, isn’t it time something was put in place to really take much of the heat out of this totally inflammable situation?

Or has everyone become so fascinated by what’s going on that they simply can’t bear to think about having it stopped, no matter what way might now be deemed most appropriate or reasonable? Or even both?  – ‘ for those of us with better things to do.’

Stop Sign - S.T.O.P.




About the Author
Engineer, Virgo - now retired having worked 30 years in the field of medical diagnostic imaging for a major German multinational. Based in UK .