Leon Moscona

The Current Messiah Is Here – IV

Cover of the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona. It provides rich information about the mentioned in the Post world religions. Design Don Conroy.

Meeting the New Comings of the Divine Masters

To recreate the world and manifest the new cosmic cycle of evolution, the CREATOR activates the entire Messianic Line of the completed Indo-European cycle and heralds the New Comings of the Divine Masters. They radiate simultaneously from the Cosmic-spiritual Sun, each of them carrying a New Initiation for the wholeness of the Kingdom of God, the Heavenly Jerusalem on Earth, but in accordance with their own tradition. This activation is the majestic Light of the Integral Messiah, who will elevate humankind and will give new impulses for the coming cosmic cycle of evolution.

Radiating from the Throne of God, the Divine Masters form the wholeness of Creation as a Divine Temple where the CREATOR is present. Humankind must enter this Temple and merge with the Living G-d. This is not only a return to the Garden of Paradise from where it was expelled, but an entry into the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Kingdom of God, where the enlightened humankind will live in the presence of the beloved Masters and the Personifications of Divine Feminine forever and will co-create with them.

We have to experience the New Manifestation of the Divine Masters from the Messianic Line of the Indo-European cycle through apocalyptic visions similar to those of St. John in his Book of Revelation. In some of the previous Posts, I have already introduced archetypal ideas about: The Ultimate Goal of the Exodus and the Initiation of Enoch; Orpheus and Transfiguration through Arts; Zoroaster’s ‘Nirvana’ and ‘The Rose of the World’; The Reappearance of Imam Mahdi; the Gospel of the Divine Mother;  Feminine Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem; The vision of the Divine Guru Babaji and others. Our meetings have to become exciting, co-creative work with them for developing the reality of the new Heavenly-Jerusalem civilisation! Let me give you a few more examples. Later on I will develop them as separate Posts, even a series of Posts:

1. The entry into the new cosmic cycle of evolution requires a New Exodus of contemporary humankind from its earthly consciousness, with all its attendant ills, first to the reality of the Garden of Paradise and then to the Heavenly Jerusalem. Here we could recall the famous Jacob’s ladder as a Path to the Highest Divine World and the Exodus led by Moses. The difference now is connected with the essence of our epoch – we have to ascend not only to the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem, but also to establish it down on Earth. On the other hand, the Heavenly Jerusalem, i.e., the Fourth Heaven in the World of Creation, has to be appreciated as the Kingdom of God with many mansions, where the mansions are the spiritual worlds of all world religions.

2. In his Second Coming, Zoroaster will reveal the mysteries of Ahura Mazda and will establish the Kingdom of Light on Earth forever. Then the dualism of Good and Evil will be replaced by a celebration of the Good! The essence of Ahura Mazda is the Light of the Cosmic-spiritual Sun in the Centre of the Universe which never sets, and when we merge with this Light, we enter into Zoroaster’s ‘Nirvana’ of Light and merge with the Great Spirit of Zoroaster. Then Zoroaster will appear from the heavenly worlds as the inner guide of our Souls and Spirits.

3. In the V century BC, the great Greek philosopher Plato “translated” Greek mythology into the language of philosophy and ideology, but now humanity has to move from modern philosophy, ideology and religion to the living mythology of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, which integrates the mysteries of all spiritual traditions. In this way, humankind, according to Plato’s myth, will ascend from life at the bottom of the cave, to the transcendent world of shining Divine ideas. Naturally, many of the other major myths in Plato’s philosophy, including the Eternal search for a soul mate, will find their spiritual solution as well.

4. Another great Initiate, the legendary musician Orpheus, will once again introduce us to the musical secrets of the Universe and the mystery of the Harmony of the Spheres. For Orpheus, the cosmos is a continuum of living musical energies that weave the essence of the whole of Creation. Orpheus was one of the first Initiates on Earth who brought the Solar Mysteries into the spiritual life of humankind as well. As a result, the Solar Initiation of Orpheus and his Divine music have influenced many great spiritual teachers, musicians, poets and various other artists in the history of humankind. With his Divine Spirit, Orpheus will again reveal to us the Harmony of the Spheres and the essence of Creation as an ocean of Divine light, love, music, sacred words and creative thought-forms.

5. In Christianity, the theme of the Second Coming of the Cosmic Christ weaves like a thread throughout its whole history. This theme is linked with the most cherished hopes, expectations and dreams of the reappearance of Christ and of humankind’s return to the Kingdom of God. The new Celestial Christian Community will glorify the transcendent Christ – that is the Cosmic Christ who returned to the Father and is now sitting beside Him on His Throne. The followers of the transcendent Christ will experience the process of  projection of the microcosmos into the macrocosmos which is connected with the mystery of the cosmic-spiritual Cross of Immortality, with the new Initiation of the Universal Tree, with the blossoming of the Rose of the World, with the integration of all religions and with the return of humankind back to the Kingdom of God.

6. In Buddhism, Vajrayana, or the Diamond Vehicle, is an esoteric tradition, the initiation ceremonies of which involve entry into a Mandala, a mystic circle or symbolic map of the spiritual universe. With the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, we have something like a new Vajrayana which provides a basis for receiving the Initiations of all world religions. At the same time, the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem could serve as a basis for the integration of all religions showing their unique place and importance in the spiritual life of humankind.

7. The idea of the integration of all religions passes as a golden thread throughout the history of Hinduism and gave inspiring and fruitful results in the missions of Ramakrishna, Babaji, Yogananda, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and many others. For instance, the mission of Ramakrishna was to confirm that all spiritual traditions come from one and the same Divine Source and all lead back to Him. In one of his intimate conversations with the Divine Mother he was told that he would be embodied again in the middle of the twentieth century somewhere in Europe in order to continue his mission.  We can expect that when Ramakrishna comes again, he will work for the integration of all religions and spiritual paths and continue his devoted worship of the Divine Mother.  In the time of the Second Coming and the return of humankind to the Kingdom of God, the Divine Mother is the One who holds the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.  Ramakrishna, ecstatically devoted to the Divine Mother, in his new embodiment will reveal Her Mysteries and the birth of the new spiritual world.

8. With every Divine Master comes a Manifestation of Divine Feminine, which plays an important creative role in his mission. Therefore, in order to reveal the practically inexhaustible richness of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, we must also introduce the Mandala of the Divine Feminine. The meditative work on these two Mandalas is one of the most joyful and creative in our spiritual journey. At the same time, this work is delicate and responsible, because now is the time for demiurgic activation of the Universal Female Principle (of course, in harmony with the Universal Male Principle) and this activity requires great spiritual broadness, devotion and creativity.

9. Obviously, in our age, the spiritual connection with the Divine Mother is extremely important. In order to survive and to go through a spiritual rebirth, humanity must follow a whole new Gospel – the Gospel of the Divine Mother. In essence, the event of the Second Coming of the Divine Masters and the Gospel of the Divine Mother are two aspects of one and the same mystery – that of the birth of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, which comes from the Absolute Origin of Being, the Source of Life. Emanating from the Source of Life, the Divine Mother builds life on all levels from the vertical structure of Creation as a Divine Temple – from the reality of the Holy City, through the numerous spiritual worlds, to the life of humankind on Earth. Here She transforms and enlightens the Earth itself, human civilisation, society, the family and even the life of each individual. The Gospel of the Divine Mother will help us to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and to build all levels of our life as a Divine Temple.

10. The eschatological dimension in Islam is very rich and highly developed. Conceptions of the Events of the Future, The End of Time, The Second Coming, The Day of Judgment and The Day of Resurrection play a very important role in the Islamic tradition and have been discussed throughout its history. Now the Islamic world and all humankind, of course, are awaiting for the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi. As the World Axis of Creation, Imam Mahdi will lead us on an inspiring spiritual journey through the whole vertical structure of the universe up to the supreme Garden of Essence. In this journey we will ascend through all the heavenly worlds called Gardens in the Islamic tradition, i.e., Garden of Feelings, Garden of the Soul, Garden of the Spirit, Garden of Testimony, Garden of Actions, Garden of Properties in order to reach the Garden of Essence, which is the uncreated world and the place of all eternal archetypes.

11. In order to enter into the Celestial School of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno, we have to penetrate into the deep esoteric dimensions of his Teaching and Cause, and especially, in the Paneurhythmy, the Pentagram, The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light, the Living Word, the Celestial Music, and many other aspects. In essence, this means to go through the whole vertical structure of Creation and to experience the First and the Second Resurrection (i.e., the blossoming of the human Soul and the awakening of the Higher Self). Then we will enter into the Holy City, the Heavenly Jerusalem, where we will merge with many Divine Masters and Personifications of the Divine Feminine. Thus, with the blessing of the Master, our Path of the Disciple will become The Path of the Initiate.

12. The Initiation of the Holy Spirit, emanating from Metatron,  elevates us to the highest Divine world, where we will be able to contemplate the Living G-d as the Cosmic-spiritual  Sun at the Centre of Creation. There we will be able to witness the great Divine Action for the re-creation of the world. This is the apocalyptic event of the New Comings of all the Divine Masters and Personifications of Divine Feminine, manifesting themselves in transcendental power and glory; this is the great change in the destiny of humankind, entering into the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle of existence; this is the climax of the Point Omega, introduced by Teilhard de Chardin, which becomes the Point Alpha of the New Reality. When we enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and begin our new cosmic cycle of existence as God’s people on a sacred Earth, then we will start building our lives on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple, where the Holy Spirit will remain forever!

The various Initiations in the world religions are like majestic Summits in the Sacred Mountain, which reveal various aspects of the Ultimate Reality. In Kabbalah it is the CREATOR (I AM THAT I AM), in Zoroastrism – the essence of Ahura Mazda, in Buddhism – the Great Void (Sunyäta), in Christianity – the Lord God Almighty, in Hinduism – the Absolute, the Primal Cause, in Islam – the essence of Allah, in the Initiation of Master Beinsa Douno – God as eternal Love, Wisdom and Truth and in the Initiation of the Holy Spirit – the Unknown Eternal Source of Creation. Of course, all the Initiations refer to the same Absolute Origin of Being, but each one reveals a different aspect of the CREATOR, because it comes in a particular cosmic season and activates a different universal principle. We can summarize that when human beings achieve many different Initiations, they receive a Crown of Initiations, as the great Hindu Master Ramakrishna did.

It is difficult to imagine a more exciting and inspiring work here on Earth than experiencing the New Integral Pentecost of the Holy Spirit and welcoming the New Coming of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine connected with them. This will be a mystical closing of the old Indo-European cycle in the history of humankind and an entry into the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle of evolution unfolding in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. This also means participating in the mysteries of the Divine Wedding in Heaven, as a result of which the New Reality is born, and co-creation with G-d. Thus, the Heavenly Jerusalem, as the Kingdom of God with many mansions, will materialize on Earth!

The activation of the Messianic Line and the meeting of the New Manifestations of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine on an etheric level will happen in the highest Divine world, in the Heavenly Jerusalem. They will presuppose spiritual insights for which the established earthly religious beliefs, the knowledge of the existing traditions, and spiritual cultures are not enough. These insights require a direct connection with the Heavenly Worlds and with the Divine Masters themselves. The time for this has come, and if in the past it was the enlightenment of individuals, like the great Prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, St. John and others, now more and more awakened people from the four corners of the Earth are ready to welcome the New Manifestation of the Divine Masters in the Divine World! So, Initiates from all world religions will gather in the Heavenly Jerusalem, where the Current Messiah is present also, and altogether will link with the Holy Council of Humankind, with Metatron, and the Living G-d in the World of Emanation!

Cover of the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona. It provides rich information about the mentioned in the Post world religions. Design Don Conroy.

About the Author
Leon was born on August 15, 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria. His family was victim of a Holocaust Ghetto. His father Issak Moscona became a distinguished author of many articles and books about the Sephardic culture. Leon is on a spiritual journey for more than 50 years. Achieving Enlightenment, he described it in more than twenty books, many articles, and more than 500 lectures in various countries in Europe and USA.
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