The Eternal Jew’s Tale, #150, Batkol’s Journal, 6

In this episode, Batkol has been rescued by Lilah, but is she ill? Or has she been poisoned?
Warning, this episode contains scenes of an overt sexual nature, plus some unsavory language.
The Eternal Jew’s Tale
Nineteenth Era, Part 5, ~1425 C.E., back in Genoa
Batkol’s Journal, part 6
The Lesser Yikhud,* The Sorceries of Lilah bat Eve
* Hebrew: union, merging, divine or human
Mornin’. Feel like my body been flayed, and I’d ate poison. She says to me,
“Heared some howlin’ the other day. Thought it be you. Then dreamt you was tryin’ to find my hut, and then you come as Lilith to me to fuck my Adam or cut his throat. I’m shoutin’ at him, ‘beware of that one,’ but he couldn’t hear me and chased after you. Strange dream. I don’t cling to mens. Then I realized: I were in you, seein’ you as you see me — a dangerous woman pursuin’ sin. You think you’re chaste and proper and just. But I’m the other side of you, and you’re the other side of me. So let me ease you this eensy bit: I won’t Lilith after your man. If he’s trystin’ Lilith secert-like, it’s the Lilith he’s searchin’ for on his own. And as for my wanderin’ in shaman worlds, you can come along or you can stay blind. You wanna stay blind, then go home now.”
I doubt my face be friendly to her. I’m thinkin’:
‘Sin deforms a soul; makes it revolting like human waste. But is she sinful or is she pursuin’ knowledge and the hidden faces of the Lor? What can I learn and what will it cost in evils released into the world, plus the damage I do to my own soul?’
But all I says, in a critical tone, is
“Obedience ain’ always whipped on by fear. Acts of evil be what I fear.”
But I keep on drinkin’ the bitter tea she says will ease my muscle pains and my throbbin’ head. And now and again I sip a watery mushroom broth she says will balance my elements.
Doze. Strange and fraught dreams. Open my eyes. All alone. Then Saadia’s standin’ at the door… Open my eyes as the door creaks. Lilah comes in, her arms full of logs draped with fresh herbs.
“Saadia were here. Where’s he gone?”
“Didn’t see him, but iffen he’s gone, he gone back down the way he come.”
And she slow and careful stoops in front of the fireplace and sets down her load. Then she lays a log on the smolderin’ coals and then some herbs and fans them hard, till the room fills with pungent smoke. She turns her head to look at me. She’s young and lovely, with a wily grin.
“Come! There’s someone I want you to meet.”
I stand up. Lo! My muscles be fine, and I realize my headache been long gone. For a moment I feel like I’m afloat in the air. Then we’re standin’ in a field of brilliant blooms, crimson and swayin’, the sky deep blue. Stars are shinin’ and so is the sun. A towerin’ mountain capped in snow and jagged outcrops of crystal quartz; I never seen such a wondrous land.
“Am I a dream?”
I says to her. And now I see she is nude as Eve, and seductive and wild as Ishtar herself. I look down and see I too be stark, my skin like polished tiger eye. And she says,
“An’ yer beautiful too. An’ no, you ain’t asleep at all. You more awake than you ever been.”
Now out of the air a winged man glides to the ground before us two, his body radiant, pulsin’ light. He embraces Lilah and as they kiss, his light grown brighter and sparks and flames shoot from them both. And Lilah too now emanates a faint glow. As their lips part their coronas fade, and he points at me, and with a sibilant voice, with sounds like I’ve never heard before, yet clear and profound I understand:
“Who is this princess from the sons of men? Many a one from among our sphere would desire the pleasure to passionate her.”
“She newly be elevate up to this rung — Aholibamah, a Cushite queen from an age before the extinction flood; curious, skeptic, bound to her past, she may not be ready to passionate. But a guide, perhaps, she’ll tolerate.”
“I know a prince just right for her. I’ll call him down to escort her.”
Not a shout nor any sound at all emanates, but now appears another winged angelman by my side, as if a door were hidden in the lucid air.
He takes my hand like I were his wife. I start to pull away when, shock, thru my hand and up my arm a soft and tingling wave of warmth, then fillin’ my chest and into my head like I drunk a gulp of anise schnapps, a fire ignitin’ my breast and head, into my other arm, and oh my Lor! Down to my nethers and into my legs like a slow orgasm waterfall gushin’ down thru my blood and bones, my breath gaspin’ in floods of joy, my knees grown weak, I almost fall, as the orgasm erupts from head to toe, every moment more intense. I cry out in utter ecstasy, my mind overflowin’ in transcendent awe:
“I am Adam and I am the Lor; the world begun and ends with me; evil and sorrow and pain and despair are only the shadows cast on the earth when our soul is torn away from God; I am no more; I never was; I will always be; this eternal now.”
Shudder and moan, I slump to the ground, heavenly pleasures pulsatin’ me. And as my hand slips away from his, I open my eyes, and here I am in a pile of straw in Lilah’s hut.
In the next episode… new ascensions, new shocks.