The Eternal Jew’s Tale, #172, Abarbanel 4.71
In this episode we learn how the first level of spiritual consciousness has different laws than the laws of nature.
The Eternal Jew’s Tale
Twentieth Era, Part 5, ~1483 C.E., Iberia
The Abarbanel Cycle, 4.71
The Ladder of Ascents, 7.1
Compiled by Isaac Abarbanel
With the help of the Eternal Jew and his wife Batkol
{Editor’s note: the last Courtyard before the Second Palace is the Courtyard of ingestibles. To quote its introduction:
This one been most dangerous, like an old ladder with rotten slats, and many a climber has fallen thru into fiery madness and delirium. And yet, the Chariot surges from here like a falcon soaring on sirocco’s gales. This be the rung of magical herbs: roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, resins, pollens, nectars, barks, prepared in many secret ways, to eat, sniff, smoke, or drink. Five orders of ingestibles.
However, I will leave this section untranslated from its source. To gain access to it, you will have to read the original poetical text.}
The Second Palace
Us, inspired in the Lor. Us bereft of higher sense. Faint our knowledge, spiritually blind; a rebellious breed that loves deceit, unaware that we can’t hide. Yet we, inspired in the Lor. Yea, some have glimpsed beyond the veil. Hear, now, what they have tried to tell.
But ever be wary of them that hide The Infinite in mystery, creating secrets and obscure arts, calling illogic the proof of truth, and mystery the cloak of God. The Lor doesn’t hide in mystery. Nor does God conceal Hemself, nor seeks to hide from human sight. It is us, bound in our faint sense and dense emotions and primitive thoughts, unable to see what is everywhere. Us, folded in materia.*
* the material world of Newtonian cause and effect
The Ruakh transcends materia, and has no matrix that sense can describe. No smell or taste, no touch or sight, no song or language we can hear. Across the border, the infinite worlds can only be known by analog.
And yet Ruakh is the matrix of us, its infinite axes permeating all of us Adam, the many that is one. On our senses it leaves no trace, but its ripples shadow into our thoughts. Learning where those shadows fall and how the ripples bend our thoughts is where our Ruakh knowing begins. These be some signs waving* in you.
* others say: woven
The first Gate to the Infinite:
Our dreams are the best sense we have to see how Ruakh bends our world.
In the mind, dreams are a middle ground between Ruakh and materia. Here in materia we are bound by laws we experience as ‘natural,’ that strictly rule over us. We carry these laws into our dreams, but they don’t really control us there. We can think ourselves from place to place and time to time, back and forth, instantly, without constraints. We can breathe under water or fly like birds or change bodies, and there we be, another person or an animal. Or we can die and still be alive. This be Ruakh intersecting us, where nature’s laws don’t apply. Ruakh has its own laws, morality primarily. (In Ruakh evil doesn’t exist.) But justice in materia and Ruakh’s demands for righteousness be like nature’s laws in dream — you can defy it if you want. But ultimately, Ruakh’s laws will prevail over materia, tho locally* it may seem Ruakh has no power here. True, justice may be deferred, but Ruakh will keep asserting itself till oppressive power is brought low; til kindness rules the animal worlds.
* both in time as well as space
Here are some ways to study dreams and learn to see Ruakh’s light.
Before you can understand the signs and symbols to comprehend dreams, you must first understand that dreams be a foreign language, more complex than materia, and not one to one with human sense and human thought. Their infinities have been reduced to the flat dimensions of our mind.
Here are some common dream scenes and ways to grasp their wider meanings, their many faces in a single face. Here we organize them all in five essential categories, in increasing complexity.
First: terrains and shapes of things.
Forests, gardens, farms, swamps; oceans rivers, lakes; fields, mountains, valleys, chasms, caves. Steepnesses and distances; narrowness, expansiveness.
Second: human habitats.
Cities, towns, villages; markets, streets, dead-end streets; mansions, houses, cabins, huts; palaces and holy sites, great and small and hidden away; rooms, hallways, mazes, doors; cemeteries, sepulchers.
Third rung: vehicles.
Boats, coaches, chariots; animals that we ride (Balaam’s donkey is one of these).
Fourth rung: nature’s forces and powers controlling us.
Volcanoes, earthquakes; lightning bolts, storms, whirlwinds, whirlpools; hail, snow, fire, flood; flying, running fast as a deer; can’t move or can’t move fast; can’t open your eyes or can’t open them wide; fame or fortune come to you; great loss or great debt; great skill newly acquired, or skill feebled, lost, forgot.
Fifth and highest: animals. Three levels to this group.
Animals of the lower spheres — noble beasts and predators; monsters awesome and terrible; ravens, songbirds, vultures, hawks; foxes, dogs, friendly beasts; vermin, insects, lizards, snakes.
Humans in the middle spheres — family members and yourself; friends, neighbors, local folks; tax collectors, magistrates; soldiers, watchmen, horsemen, guards; saints, thieves, murderers, cheats; monarchs and their ministers; people quite exceptional — stunning beauty, great strength, or deformed, leprous, deathly ill.
Beings demonic or divine — advocates, guardians, and guides; gatekeepers and messengers; angelmen and devilmen.
Now, come hear the Ruakh voice and see the Ruakh shine its light thru your dreams into your soul. And see how your Adam mind grinds infinity to a grain of sand.
In the next episode some examples of dream interpretations using the understanding of Ruakh presented above.