The evil that is Egypt
Egypt has been gearing up for war. Their purported enemies are the Houthis who have blocked the maritime lanes with their missiles and have brought Egypt’s economy to its knees. Their real enemy is Israel. It is now, and it always has been Israel. The 1979 peace accord signed by then Prime Minister Menachem Begin and then President Anwar El Sadat was the ultimate deception. It was always a cold peace… but now Israel realizes that there is a difference between cold and deadly frozen.
We in Israel deluded ourselves that an Egypt ruled today by President Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil El-Sisi was better than one ruled by the Moslem Brotherhood. It now appears that there is little difference between the two.
Israeli Generals have been warning that a war between Egypt and Israel is imminent. The public did not understand. Now we do.
Reported on the Israeli Army radio station Galei Israel: Retired IDF Chief Avi Weiss revealed “On the morning of October 7th, Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar submitted his letter of resignation to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the complete explanation is quite astounding. He accepted the Shin Bet’s absolute responsibility for failing the nation having accepted incorrect information of what was happening in Gaza. Even more shocking is his admission that his professional relationship with the head of Egyptian Intelligence led him to trust that individual’s assessment of what was brewing on October 6th, and thus while accepting the misleading information he received from that source, he decided not to activate the systems put in place to defend the State of Israel expecting an impending attack.
The head of Egyptian intelligence deliberately misled the Shin Bet, and caused more than 1,200 people to be murdered and 250 kidnapped on that day. The Shin Bet chief trusted him completely on the eve of the massacre, and that trust resulted in a regional war in which Israel has lost 891 of its soldiers in this war for our survival. An additional 5,569 have been wounded since the beginning of this war. These numbers increase daily. All as a result of an incorrect conclusion from one man… who had no right to blithely accept this information from a representative of our sworn enemy.
What is missing from this announcement is the name of the head of the Egyptian intelligence service… who now will most certainly be Israel’s prime target for elimination. That act will likely be the beginning of a full-scale war with Egypt.
Egyptian duplicity has been at the core of Hamas’ success in Gaza. Had Egypt been Israel’s partner in Peace, they would not have allowed vast quantities of arms, ammunition and missiles- to be delivered from Iran through the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza. It did not stop there. The additional hundreds of millions of dollars in equipment and materials used to dig and build Hamas’ underground tunnel network (compared in size to that of the London Underground) , in preparation for their assault on Israeli innocents… was clearly a matter of Egyptian government policy, not just the greed of a few border officials being paid secretly, to comply.
Consider the years of patience which our enemies have had, laying the groundwork meticulously in order to destroy us. Consider again, the years of trust built between the heads of the two security agencies, which has now resulted in this continuing war without end. Consider please… that the betrayed trust between two men, resulted in the events of October 7th… and Israel’s inability to prevent the horrors which follow to this day. One man at the head of our security agency…read his enemy incorrectly. The result: 1,200 murdered on October 7th, raped, burned alive, defiled… our abducted hostages starved, raped, beaten, suffering and murdered in Hamas hands… almost 900 Israeli soldiers killed in action… and an ongoing war with no end in sight.
The error of one man… allowed this devastation to befall Israel and the Jewish people. The worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
Much to the disappointment of the anti-Bibi protesters, this war was not caused by Netanyahu’s negligence. It was ignited by a massive error in judgement on the part of the one individual who was entrusted with the fate of our nation…then Chief of the Shin Bet – Ronen Bar.
This cataclysmic mistake has led the entire Middle East into its current war. The preparations have been in place for many years… and have not only exploded in every sense of the word… but much like the California wildfires… are expanding daily and causing destruction beyond the world’s wildest imagination.
Egypt is our sworn enemy. Peace treaties are apparently not worth the paper they are written upon. Israel will not allow this deception to continue. I predict still another war… and wish that it were not so.
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