Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

The future looks bright

With U.S. elections almost here, people wonder who will win, and how it will impact our world.

America is divided: Left and right; socialist and capitalist; colonialist and indigenous; religious and secular, and so on. The two main political parties are themselves divided between moderate and extreme factions. There is even concern that the election results might not be accepted by all.

Yet there is much room for optimism.

We live in amazing times. We are seeing G-d’s miraculous protection of the Holy Land, blessing Israel’s military efforts with success. In just one and a half weeks, from exploding pagers to the assassination of its  commanders and leader, Hezbollah was transformed from a formidable threat to a rudderless weakling. Hamas has been decimated, and by Divine providence its leader was fortuitously encountered and eliminated. Iranian projectiles were intercepted and neutralized, astonishingly with the help of Arab countries. And the U.S. — via the orchestration of the Almighty, the true Superpower over all, Who conducts our lives, and influences the hearts of leaders — sent Israel vast amounts of weaponry, and brought its forces to the scene in order to deter Israel’s enemies.

Israel has been a light to the nations, teaching the world moral values and the crucial importance of destroying evil. Nations have stood by, unable to stop Israel. And America has taken the right course of action, sending its forces to Israel’s side.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe referred to the U.S. as a country of kindness. Chassidus teaches that in the end of days, Esau (the progenitor of Rome and the Western world) will become refined. “And saviours will ascend the mountain of Zion, to judge the mountain of Seir (Esau), and the Kingdom will be G-d’s.” (Obadiah 1; 21)

Indeed, Israel’s stalwartness to rid the world of tyranny, has illuminated the way, guiding American actions to help the Jewish nation, thus benefiting the entire world by eradicating terrorism. And this bodes well for America, as G-d told Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you.” (Genesis 12; 3)

Perhaps current events indicate that the final Redemption with Moshiach is very close. A time of peace, when all will see that “G-d is King over the whole world; on that day G-d will be One, and His Name will be One.” (Zechariah 14; 9)

May it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for